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About Hover

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Cameron, thanks for the expeditious help. Now it works perfect. You guys did a really good job! :)
  2. You're right Wow, you are really fast 8) So, I will check my email. In this case, it seems to be a problem whit MY email server :-\
  3. I sent my request again... :'(
  4. Because I am waiting since about one hour for an answer on my support request ... :-\
  5. ??? ??? ??? Almost all topics locked, no answer on support requests.... Whats going on there? ??? ??? ???
  6. Ok, I will test it meanwhile. When the installer issue is resolved, I will reinstall the plane. Till now it looks ok...
  7. I solved it! ;D Exactly that was the problem. Obviously the installation program copied the files only into the aircraft/plugin directory but not into the resources/plugin-folder. So I copied all the files into this folder and ... it works! Thanks for the great support to Javier and Philipp!
  8. I think it has definitely to do with the plugin. 1.) I reinistelled the plane - crash 2.) I deinstalled C++ and reinstalled the new(clean) one - crash 3.) I removed all 3rd party plugin - crash 4.) I removed the vascore plugin - xplane startet but as I loaded the plane - crash Log.txt
  9. Of course, I did the hardware test. It was sucessfull. Currently I'm trying to reinstall the plane. If it fails again, I'll take a look at the log.txt.
  10. I guess, I'm the first customer who bought the product. I was very happy. But then came the disillusionment. After install I startet X-Plane... and crash to desktop. > > > I am not so happy now... >
  11. Well, I've reached a point now where nothing can bother me anymore. It's out when it's out, tralalala... still waiting and smiling.... : No seriously, I think it's suspiciously silent. I guess no news are good news.
  12. Don't worry, Javier. Anticipation is the greatest pleasure ;D
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