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Everything posted by Ant1matt3r

  1. Thank you for the response - I'll download the updated one right now. I appreciate the help troubleshooting my issues!
  2. Each time I attempt to re-install SMP I get an error: Unable to download component to SkyMaxx Pro: File not found Please advise.
  3. Okay, launched again, same issue. Uninstalled RWC / SMP, relaunched, TBM 900 working fine. I'm not sure if this is a problem with SMP directly or maybe an issue with the authentication portion (gizmo?) Re-installing SMP first. Will install RWC afterward in an attempt to isolate the problem. Thanks.
  4. Okay, launched again, same issue. Uninstalled RWC / SMP, relaunched, TBM 900 working fine. I'm not sure if this is a problem with SMP directly or maybe an issue with the authentication portion (gizmo?) I'll post in SMP as well. Thanks.
  5. So, I did a bet of testing. I ran Windows Update, updated my GFX drivers, rebooted ... Launched X-Plane, loaded the TBM 900, everything loaded. Menu on left missing (I'm running windowed, so I normally don't have the missing menu issue people report), tailfin looking all scrambled and weird, propeller doing weird swirly animation. Uninstalled / reinstalled TBM 900, launched again - same issue. Disabled RWC / SMP in plugin menu, reloaded aircraft - all worked fine. Re-enabled RWC / SMP, CTD. Attaching log.txt About to launch again to see if issue persists. Will test again after uninstalling RWC / SMP if issue persists and report here. (Copypasta from TBM 900 post) Log.txt
  6. So, I did a bet of testing. I ran Windows Update, updated my GFX drivers, rebooted ... Launched X-Plane, loaded the TBM 900, everything loaded. Menu on left missing (I'm running windowed, so I normally don't have the missing menu issue people report), tailfin looking all scrambled and weird, propeller doing weird swirly animation. Uninstalled / reinstalled TBM 900, launched again - same issue. Disabled RWC / SMP in plugin menu, reloaded aircraft - all worked fine. Re-enabled RWC / SMP, CTD. Attaching log.txt About to launch again to see if issue persists. Will test again after uninstalling RWC / SMP if issue persists and report here. Posting to SMP post I have as well. Log.txt
  7. I just got home, I'll try now. And it may not be - it was just the last thing I recall changing.
  8. Hey all, As the title suggests, I'm experiencing a conflict with my new favorite airplane and SMP 4.7 - I get a CTD right after X-Plane loads the xtcas plugin. I've also noticed the AFL C172 is in an odd "crashed" state and the menu is missing. Other aircraft seem to work okay. Also, noticeable improvement over default weather, even on maxed out settings (at KAWO no less!). Hoping to find a solution for the TBM soon though. I'll attach my log, though it's not very telling. No crash entries. Thanks for your hard work! (This is a copypasta of the same topic I placed in the SMP forum - they suggested I share it here as well. ) Log.txt
  9. Thanks for the response - I'll post on their forum as well.
  10. Hey all, As the title suggests, I'm experiencing a conflict with my new favorite airplane and SMP 4.7 - I get a CTD right after X-Plane loads the xtcas plugin. I've also noticed the AFL C172 is in an odd "crashed" state and the menu is missing. Other aircraft seem to work okay. Also, noticeable improvement over default weather, even on maxed out settings (at KAWO no less!). Hoping to find a solution for the TBM soon though. I'll attach my log, though it's not very telling. No crash entries. Thanks for your hard work! Log.txt
  11. This product shines in VFR - long haul I have difficulties with, but only because I'm running a ton of plugins and setting my view distance to 100k can reduce my FPS - but boy, does it ever shine in VFR. Lower altitude flights look amazing. Just one question - what's next? Is this still being developed, and if so, what do you have brewing? I'm excited for SMP as I was a bit disappointed with other products. Thanks for the hard work, it shows - the towering storm clouds are awesome!
  12. Hey there, new SMP user - I may be missing something - right now, in KTUS (my hometown) a monsoon thunderstorm is looming. EVERYTHING about this scene is replicated by SMP - the sky is an eerie grey, the view distance looks accurate, the rayleigh scattering is good - except (right now) for cloud color. They're grey, water-laden clouds, but SMP is portraying them as bright white. Any way to change the cloud color during these conditions? Seriously though, wow. I have xE and FSE and this has been a lot better thus far. Flew a scenic flight in a C207 and it was just wonderful looking at the cloud layers and watching them come from the distance. Edit - it may have been how XMP interpreted the light - flying into an overcast KLAS after a pause in flight and the clouds are dark. Maybe a shadowing thing at my angle at the airport versus my view from my backyard.
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