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Everything posted by RafalB

  1. Javier, I did not touch alpha channel values, so transparencies are exactly the same. The only thing I did was extending alpha over that black borders to hide them. Side windows icing effect in my original (un-touched) plane is the same - almost all white. It does not bother me at all . I think it looks cool. Here's a picture: I'm gonna send you those files in a sec. Link -> http://img40.imageshack.us/img40/232/cr2window.jpg
  2. Hahaha... Javier (and your team) - your plane is awesome! Despite the little bugs it amazes me every time I "fly" it. I'm a 500h+ pilot in real life, airplane owner and I can tell you your product will change the way people look at x-plane. Now if only folks from x-plane would introduce seasons in their simulator >.
  3. Just for the record : Link -> http://img805.imageshack.us/img805/1814/cr2patch2.jpg
  4. I accidentally shifted whole model a couple of mm during the edition >. All fixed. But, unfortunately it looks like no user mods are allowed anyway. That's ok - I'm gonna fly my modified version alone 8) 8) . I checked every switch and knob and display and everything works ok. Rain effect is still there - I just extended alpha channel over those borders to hide it. But that's ok - happy flying folks. BTW my copy of FSX ended up in the garbage can today.
  5. Hello again, Patch is NOT official... it's made by myself and I'm not going to publish it without Javier's permission. I corrected 2 things: glare shield, and windows border. First one didn't look right - too square, and windows bitmap was terrible blurry. Files I modified (edited): -Cockpit_Main.obj -Cockpit_Transparencia.png -Cockpit_Transparencia_nml And the effect of my work looks like this: (super wide-screen - I use Matrox TripleHead2Go) Link: http://img859.imageshack.us/img859/2157/cr2patch.jpg What do you guys think?
  6. Yeahhhh.... I was waiting for that moment for a looooong time. Thanks guys.
  7. CRJ Manual Page 81 - look at the MFD picture and tell me what you see
  8. I was wondering if you guys noticed that too... (look at the pic) http://img41.imageshack.us/img41/6462/cr2u.jpg <- link The glareshield on the real airplane is more round. Is there any chance you could move a couple of vertices up in 3ds max on that part? Don't get me wrong... I love everything about that airplane and the project, and I will buy it no matter what you decide to do, but that part of the cockpit really bothers me. It just doesn't look like the real thing. I'm looking forward to take that CRJ in the (virtual) sky.
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