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Everything posted by swole217

  1. I don't know about what he has but I have a brand new 34 inch ultrawide curved monitor and I couldn't tell at night what switch was flipped up or down so someones monitor is not the problem. It is what it is .......dark
  2. 3rd time I got CTD in the middle of flight. This is what the log says...……………… Something reinstalled our exception handler, replaced it with 0000000000000000 Log.txt
  3. Yes I experience the same problem... very dark even with the lights on impossible with lights off
  4. yes i'm running a gamming laptop as my primary and x plane runs full screen on the ultrawide monitor. The multiple display settings are set to extend these displays. In the X plane settings, the ultrawide is set to full screen simulator and the laptop is set to unused
  5. Not running 4K
  6. Hmmm I've tried everything.... I was in a different topic where a couple other people has the same problem. That's where I learned about switching to windowed mode
  7. Yes I think I read your post and checked that before and yes I'm only at 100%
  8. I'm using a LG 34 inch ultra widescreen monitor and in full screen mode the side menu and also plugin menus do not work. if you switch to windowed mode everything works fine. please see picture in full screen mode. side menu will not pop out or click and plugin menu gives you this.
  9. yeah same here with the ultrawide monitor.... guess ill run window mode till they get a fix
  10. did you have any luck with this? it worked for me to get the menu on the side but I cant click on any of it
  11. I'm having the same problem with no menu. I've done all the above steps and finally got the menu to show, however it does not pop out and I cannot click on anything. I can open the airframe manager from the plugin menu but eve that does not look correct. I'm running the sim in full screen mode using a ultrawide LG monitor at 2560x1080
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