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  1. downgrading XPUIPC to the version that someone posted in another thread successfully works around the issue.
  2. removed XPUIPC and the throttles work. I guess I'll wait for a fix.
  3. Removed XPUIPC and the throttles work. XPUIPC is needed for a number of other programs, so really can't just remove it.
  4. When entering the plane, throttles are active for a second and then lock down to off. Throttle quadrant, mouse and keyboard won't move the plane's throttle. All other controls work fine including pedals, yoke. Log.txt
  5. throttle works for a second or two when enterin g the airplane and then locks down. mouse and keyboard won't move it either.
  6. I have sound, but no throttles as well
  7. TCAS was enabled.
  8. I'd like to leave the AI aircraft on because they interact with Pilot2ATC. do you think the problem can be avoided by turning off traffic on the MFD map and/or putting the TCAS map page into standby mode?
  9. I just got the same crash with the TBM and Traffic Global.
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