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EWgen 737

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Everything posted by EWgen 737

  1. Another flight without "Zink" - no problems with FMC.
  2. With "Zink". This problem appeared during the climb. On the left FMC. Moreover, it remained in any position of the HSI switch. I turned down the brightness on FMC, and when I turned it back on after some time, FMC worked fine. Without "Zink". After disabling "Zink", the problem did not occur during the entire flight.
  3. This problem appears in flight only when the HSI switch is turned to its extreme positions: clockwise PLAN, counterclockwise FULL VOR/ILS. In other positions of the HSI switch everything is fine. This problem occurs equally for the captain's FMC and the co-pilot's FMC (when we turn the co-pilot's HSI switch) But this is a very small problem. And the plane is very, very, very beautiful!!! X-System 2024-09-20 21-33-25.mp4
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