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Everything posted by Mdiaz380

  1. Perfect, with that I can properly do some maths and show the same values on my cockpit THANKS A LOT
  2. No, it doesn't work. The number are different to the gauges. Just check the gauges and the DataRef values: For Temp_left, the dataref gives 1136 but the gauge shows 620. The same with Torque, the dataref shows 144, and the gauge shows aprox 28%
  3. Great! I will try them tomorrow. thanks a lot
  4. Yes, sorry, the LES Saab 340A ones. I bought this plane some time ago, and I am in love with it !!! thanks
  5. Hi, I'm building a home cockpit and I am trying to show in an LCD the %value of the Engine Torque and the Temperature. I'm looking for the values you can see on the cockpit gauges. I have been looking to the value of DataRefs (with DataRefTool) and the values you I see doesn't match. Can anybody help? THANKS
  6. Thaaaanks. So, basically, is almost always on? And is ON just having the A/C ON? I mean that by default is going to be ON. Right? Thanks again.
  7. Hi I am flying for a while this fantastic plane, the SAAB 340A. Now I want to go to more realistic procedures, and I have a doubt: I see on performance charts that some of them depends on having ECS ON or OFF, but I don’t know what is this and how I can switch it ON or OFF. (I just know that is the acroym for Environmental Control System) Thanks for your help.
  8. Ooops I didn’t know capital letters make a difference. THANKS A LOT
  9. Wait, it works with: create_switch(b_dch_2, "LES/saab/prop/prop_sync_toggle", 0, 1, 0) really odd ;-(
  10. I assigned as a Dataref without succes. I try: Dataref("prop_sync","LES/saab/prop/prop_sync_toggle","writable") And I get the error from FWL: Resources/plugins/FlyWithLua/Scripts/Caja_Botones.lua:94: attempt to call global 'Dataref' (a nil value) and then: Lua stopped Can you help me? Thanks again
  11. Wow, that change my program. where or how can I get Saab 340 Commnads and Datarefs? thanks a lot, I will check today and let you know.
  12. Thanks, I also tried that, but it doesn't work. I get the same message from FWL saying that commane doesn't exist. Later on the day I will copy the exact command I am using. Thanks for the help
  13. Hi, I am starting to program with Flywithlua some switches. I started with some lights toggle commands and works perfect. But I haven’t been able to toggle Prop_sync. I found some commands on the .obj file, and I found the one for toggle prop sync, but Flywithlua gives an error saying that that command doesn’t exist. Where can I find the “official” comands for the Saab 340? thanks in advance
  14. OK, it is not a big issue. Thanks a lot for this fantastic plane. I'm in love with it!!
  15. Thanks Goran, I already checked those 2 options, but the don`t worl: 1) Mouse wheel: it only zoom in, no zoom out from the view I get when I click the VIEW button 2) The FOV slider: I only see it on the CAMERAS screen. In any case it only change one screen FOV, and I have 3 monitors with the 3 FOV defined and matched. Thanks
  16. Hi, I just recently bought this aircraft, and it is great!! But I have some issue: I am using 3 monitors, and when I use the checklist, and press any view button, it moves tonthe right place but with a big zoom, so sometimes I can not see the expected buttons/dials and I have to zoom out with the mouse. Is there any way I can adjust a default zoom for these checklist views? thanks, and congratulatios for the plane.
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