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Everything posted by Laem

  1. Hi Jan, don't misunderstand it, it is not a complaint or something like that, I love the plane (and some infos about the future steps, hehe). I will check your hints, maybe ..... otherwise the first flight will be a challenge for good pilots :-) Cheers Martin
  2. Hi Jan, thank you for your answers ! The default XP11 failures are completly disabled because I don't want to get in trouble after a long time in front of my PC :-) I know that's not completly real but ..... I noticed always during the first flight after the reactivation of the licence some failures but only during the first flight. For example during take-off one or both engines are going down. Or the FMC behaviuou is different like the flights before. Then, starting to the second flight everything is okay .... until I get some weeks later the message to reactivate the licence again. So, maybe this was a new failure during the first flight and it will happen never again. Cheers Martin
  3. Hi IXEG experts, maybe you have an idea :-) Yesterday evening I made a flight from LGSK to EDDS, everything starts well. 20 miles before EDDS there was a snow storm but I catched ILS, still okay. But then the nose gear didn't went down, I tried it serveral times. before I was able to accerlate for a Go around the planes turns right over the wing and crashed. XP11 told me too much ice on the wings *grhh* First, I know I have to train the emergency procedures, haha. But, more important, are the anti-ice switches working in version 1.2? Or are they only for nice to have? Did someone made the same experiences? Thx
  4. Hi, how can I adjust the audio volume for the cabin announcments? It's too low for me :-) Thank you
  5. Hello Guys, first I want to say that the IXEG 737 is really fantastic plane, I like it so much and it's the only airliner I use. It makes no sense for me to switch to other planes, ony for vfr I use a small one. Maybe I didn't find it but is there a kind of roadmap about the next steps with IXEG? next release planed new features etc. Thank you
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