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  1. I would like to get a invitation to Discord If possible TIA
  2. Forget it my error stupid me. I used wrong setting should be this one saw it when I did miss EICAS Maps shows up now. Have not used this Navigraph integration since XP11 so must have forgot it.
  3. I finally found the Navigraph web page where I can see what is logged in and the Challenger are logged in but how do I display charts. Nothing happens when I press Charts button screen still black I have an activated fpl with sid and starts
  4. I have also asked this question on Navigraphs forum Log.txt
  5. XP 12.07 and latest XP12 Challenger Is something changed or what is the problem. I tried by deleting XP/Output/CL650 dir and filled in info again in Network but never got an popup to Navigraph to approve CL650 to use navigraph charts!!??
  6. That directory was almost empty, deleted it and also cleaned up my disk a little, made more space. Looks like it is working now?
  7. Thanks! I was just about to ask what file it tries to read. I am a former programmer but retired now so messing with files I have done since PC was born
  8. Tried to load Toliss A321, no problem to add a FPL !? What is wrong with the 650??
  9. Can no add a FPL, msg Not In database whole time
  10. Added a area in Europe just make a change but sill same problems. No problem with other addon aircrafts for XP12
  11. No Repair Airport button !?
  12. Reinstalled 2 times still same problem
  13. The log.txt is full with these for lots of ariports: CL650[airportdb.c:3228]: WARNING: airport database index is damaged: index contains ICAO KADW, but the associated database tile doesn't appear to contain this airport. How to fix? Never saw this in XP 11
  14. FYI I do have Vulcan on my Win7, running Red Dead Redemption on Vulcan. No problem at all. XP have made a different implementation that uses Win10 libs. OS is not worn out like cars. They keep getting more stable over the years with bug fixes whole time. I do have to to go to Win10 the day I build a new PC or my motherboard (Asus) gives up. Only Win10 drivers for latest MB I have never said that I will never go to Win10, I just wait some years until several patches/fixes has been done. Or my PC breaks down. Last word from me about this
  15. Update a Win7 to Win10 is also very foolish, will always cause some problems. Only way is to do a clean install on a empty disk. My experience with MS OS.
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