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Everything posted by triannik

  1. Hi, I don’t know what the issue is but saab 1.5.1 crashed for me without using XEnviro but the Ultra Weather XP too. I have to say that both saab and UWXP are new versions and i don’t know which one caused it. I will report it to the the tech support page of UWXP too. Bye
  2. Thanks for clarification. I can understand that we cannot have everything. Also spoilers are not vissible during replay. Anyway maybe some day. Thanks again.
  3. Same weird sound for me too.
  4. I have the same issue. It must be a bug. Without change anything the cockpit goes dark or bright alone sometimes during night flights.
  5. Thanks Jan i will give a try
  6. Today I purchased the IXEG 737. I have the same ctd with XE on. I believe it has to do with the Gizmo because i have exactly the same issue with Saab 340. I hope this will be fixed soon. For Saab i opened a tocket to xEnviro team but about a month after i have no response from them. I hope they work on this.
  7. Good to hear that you work on 1.5. Hope it will be out soon.
  8. Hi all, I am a fan of this bird too. I purchased recently and i fly it quite often but with XP11 which brings as you know quite a lot of bugs. Any news for the XP11 version release date? Also i would like to ask Goran if the issue with xEnviro crashes is going to be addressed with this update. Thanks and wait for the update. Nick
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