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Everything posted by Dguy

  1. Thank You for the quick response, since I was going to re-download and install. I’ll wait for the update. Btw. Love the product, alows me in my retirement to have a sentimental journey back in time.
  2. Never had this problem untill I recently updated IXEG B733. When selecting “direct to” the FMS seems to freeze, fps drops ( xp11 is excluded in security settings). Sometimes “not in database, although I lineselected from the legs page. Sometimes The fms accepts once a direct to , but not a second time. A pop up appears , with what is to me “greek/latin”. No problems with FF 757/767 or others. I am rw pilot familiar with Boeing FMS’s. Attached are some pics of the event, with the pop up. Any clues on what might be the cause.
  3. Jan, The problem seems to be with my older yoke, and in particular to the pitch mode, which seems to spike now and then. I guess another yoke might be the solution. I cannot complain after 20 years of use, and grandchildren playing with it. I was able today the engage the autopilot. Thank You for Your kind help. Happy Landings.
  4. Jan, As suggested I adjusted the 0 center of the yoke, but no joy. Then I did uninstall ixeg B737 after downloading a fresh copy from x-aviation, and installed the freshly downloaded file. Unfortunately still not able engaging autopilot. Funny thing is FF767/757, zibo.s and other have no problems. Until recently the Ixeg b737 ran flawless. The only thing I added since were a few different liveries. Yes my yoke/rudders (CH) are still gameport (using gameport/usb adapter). I am familiar with flying different types of rw boeings, although I never flown the 737 (except in lvl.D sim). Beside the autopilot problem the Ixeg 733 flies fine. Also I recently upgraded xplane11.26 to xplane11.40, so the majority of non issue flights were on version .26. Or time to acquire an Alpha Yoke from honeycomb. Any suggestions?
  5. Whenever I set a/p on ixeg or some other add-on’s It’s hands off on the yoke to avoid cws. I am not home at my pc now but I read something about adjusting the 0 center of the yoke last night which I will try. Yoke is 20+ years old (still game-port), but works fine. I am very familiar with Boeing products, although I retired from flying.
  6. Ixeg 737 has always been working flawlessly untill today. Unable engaging the autopilot in xplane11.40. Cmd is replaced by cws in a second. After selecting a/p off, f/d off, a/t off and then after selecting them all back on still unsuccessful reengaging a/p. I tried it during climb(flch/hdg) as well as level flight. All other Add-on airplanes autopilots are functioning properly. Should I reinstall ixeg 737 overiding the files of the one installed ,or should I delete first the one one installed and then re-install a new copy? i also restarted xplane11 and loaded a default airplane first before loading the ixeg plane and vice versa.
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