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About dancemad57

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Is there a way to move the 'floating objects' in Full Screen View to another layer? Blue Skies Michael O
  2. Well, straight anyway, still in a climb here....
  3. This is on a AP loc flying straight and level with no wind
  4. And yes, on the MFD Also, why can't I modify my posts today?
  5. No, I am flying a direct route. Tried several departures from different airports. Have rebooted proggy. The plane always tracks at an angle with or without winds.
  6. Regarding above post, only the final airport distance and time is not changing, inbetween legs are OK
  7. Also, added to above (can't seem to modify today), the distance and time in the legs is not changing in flight. Blue Skies, Michael O
  8. All legs show as the flight path is at a 45 degree angle to the heading. Even with no wind or wind in opposite directions. FD indicators are showing perfect path forward. This is following a direct route no a navaid/airport. Also, is there any way to get rid of the objects that float on the screen in 'full screen view with or without HUD'? Windows 7, XP9.69 Blue Skies, Michael O
  9. Once I turned off the legs page in FMS all is well. I can even run up to Very High with Anti-alias, and objects. And hope this gets fixed (maybe) in 1.1 Thank you, thank you, thank you Blue Skies Michael O
  10. Could of been solved with a simple 'minimun system reqirements' at the store page. But they don't get it. Blue Skies Michael O
  11. If you look really carefully at the beginning of this thread, you will see all of the info requested. Comng from someone who steers both his help forums and review links toward a positive bias for his products by deleting unfavorable posts (you might want to fess up to Japo as he thinks I was talking about him), you no longer are credible to Me Cameron. It's the same as when you failed to ship out a product for over a month, you blamed it on the customer. It's business as usual for you. Time in and time out I see you lashing out at your customers on this board. You really should not deal with the public. Just saying. Blue Skies Michael O
  12. First of, thanks for responding intelligently to this thread. The plane boots up just fine, and the FPS really isn't bad, about 30-40. When I hit the battery switch, it goes down to about 22-27, which still usually gives me a fluid feel in the 3d cockpit. And throught the flight it remains at that rate, but the wierd thing is, every movement is stuttered as if my FPS were below 19 (default set in prefs) but its still above 22ish. Even without camera movement, the altitude and speed tapes are not smooth while in flight. Then at some time XP will eventually freeze with the spinning wheel of death. Any ideas? Blue Skies Michael O
  13. Clearly you must be intellegent enough to be able to read all of the other complaints on this board regarding performance, so your few people is more than you think. And the point of the argument is simply about customer service, not the hardware tester. So crawl back under your rock if you can't say anything useful. Blue Skies Michael O
  14. Me too, and that is whats so frustrating. I've tried to run it in a clean XP install with no plugins (except what is needed for the CRJ). I've brought my res down to the minimum with no objects, no anti-alias, no pixel shading. It definetly seems to be CPU related as it only chokes the second I turn on the avionics. The other planes, including the 380 I can run at extreme res, with all the goodies on. Blue Skies Michael O
  15. I really enjoy Peter Hagers A380 for a heavy. The 'Fly by wire' integration is the most complete to date where you can input and control the take off flex temps, transition altitudes where the plane adjusts speeds relative to altitude both ascending and descending. Many controls within the FMS are detailed. It is easy to fly by hand or fly by wire and will never overshoot and over correct a waypoint. The SUKHOI 100 is really nice and gives a fun reality with its ground procedures, PA announcements, and smooth flight simulation and graphics and lighting. JRolans T34c is beautifully crafted and is realistically simulated with a powerful turbprop and is a great VFR plane. Most of X-aviations planes are great in my opinion. Another fun one by them is the Corvalis which has a great G1000 unit and the Misubishi. Also the B737 from the x737 development team. Oh, and the new Q400 is very nice. These are among my faves. Of course I can't directly compare these to the CRJ as it stutters and crashes within 5 minutes of each attempt. Blue Skies Michael O
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