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  1. I found that the speedbrake functions in XPREALISTIC were active when the brakes are retracted. I turned off that one setting and all was fine.
  2. This did not work for me. My logo lights are non-functional.
  3. Thanks, all the other lights work fine except for the logo light. My settings are on High (HDR).
  4. I've tried several liveries and the logo light does not seem to have any visual effect in external views. Is it functional?
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Fictional repaint of a Rectrix Aviation CL650, based on their Challenger 604. Rectrix was a Massachusetts based charter company until early 2020, when they were acquired by Ross Aviation. Created using textures from oisin650 and reversethrust as a baseline - used with permission. Hope you enjoy. Rectrix.zip
  6. View File Rectrix CL650 Fictional repaint of a Rectrix Aviation CL650, based on their Challenger 604. Rectrix was a Massachusetts based charter company until early 2020, when they were acquired by Ross Aviation. Created using textures from oisin650 and reversethrust as a baseline - used with permission. Hope you enjoy. Rectrix.zip Submitter richbonneau Submitted 01/19/2022 Category Hot Start Challenger 650 Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-hot-start-challenger-650-p-212?osCsid=bbmuoor16vtv731hijtgrkm9a4  
  7. I noticed the same issue and disabled that option in XPRealistic for now.
  8. Thanks, Goran! My son worked for Retrix out of KBED. I know it's a 604, but it has a special place in my heart
  9. Thoroughly enjoying (and learning) this fantastic aircraft! If anyone would be willing to create a Rectrix livery (the original was a 604), it would be much appreciated.
  10. reflectedrealitysim's Twitch stream showed a keyboard binding for "Toggle all popup panels" but I can't seem to find it.... Anyone know?
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