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RogerH last won the day on February 8 2024

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  1. Hello, A while ago I asked how to get access to the Xplane 11 version of the classic, explaining that I run a fixed-base two-seat sim and a good friend who is joining me in the cockpit wants to download the XP11 version as both of us run XP11. I can't afford to update to XP12 as i run 3 copies of XP11 in the sim and it's a bit expensive! You replied saying if he would buy a copy of the xplane 12 version of the 737 Classic then you'd be happy to provide access to download the XP11 version. All well and good. He duly bought the XP12 version. Since then we've had a bit of a problem. For a reason known only to the gods of the internet, his emails are not generating support tickets and as such you can't respond. I get that you need a system of work which keeps tabs on what's going on. But we've reached an impasse - my further enquiries have met with the response that he should try again to raise a support ticket. He tried again still with no ticket raised. I have since raised two more tickets - the last one has not yet been responded-to (I've checked spam just in case). I would really like to get this resolved in some way - I too am planning on buying the XP12 version in order to get access to a download for the XP11 version - I need another copy for my testbed machine. But I'm reluctant to part with the money until we can sort this issue with my friend. Surely it's possible to provide us with a time- or copy-limited download link to resolve the issue? I'd appreciate your help. Many thanks, Roger Harris.
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  2. That’s really great. Thank you. We’ll be onto it tomorrow and will correspond as advised. Excellent customer care. Thanks :-)
  3. Vey nice, but I am talking about the Xplane _11_ version - that's the one I'm looking for.
  4. Hi all, I have the above mentioned plane the Xplane 11 version) and run it in a fixed-base simulator. A good mate has decided to join in and wants to buy the xplane 11 version so he can learn the procedures and operation at home before coming to practice in the sim. I've just been on the x-aviation website but can only see the Xplane 12 version there - but neither of us runs Xplane 12 so we need the XP11 version - where do I go to get that? Sorry if I'm being dumb but I tried the usual searches on the site. many thanks, Roger.
  5. I feel your pain. Pity. The 733 is such a great plane. But financially I can’t justify the move to XP12. It’s a sad aspect of the software industry. Development trumps existing customers. I always hope that the smaller guys would have the flexibility to keep their old customers in mind but sadly that hope has yet to be realised. Best of luck with XP12.
  6. It’s a purely financial decision not to move to Xplane 12. My simulator uses three copies of Xplane and I don’t have the spare cash to buy one, let alone three. As it goes, I already have a copy of MSFS and if I were to change then it would be to that. Say what you will, it’s streets ahead of XP12 in terms of graphics and scenery.
  7. That kinda sucks tbh. One sees the necessity of moving with the times, but it makes you feel like those using XP11, many of whom will be doing so for years to come, have simply been abandoned. How much coding would be needed to achieve this? A few hours? A day? Surely not much more.
  8. Thanks for the info. I don’t plan on upgrading to XP12 - is there anything you can do for XP11 users, or will the new patch/upgrade work in XP11 as well? Thanks, Roger
  9. Hello all, I run a fixed-base 733 simulator cockpit based on the brilliant 737-300 Classic. I have the vast majority of datarefs contolled by Aruduino cards and Air Manager, but one of them eludes me. How to connect ground power using a dataref - I can't seem to find one which does it! At the moment I have to use the mouse and go to the side menu in order to connect ground power before or after a flight. As with most cockpit builders, my aim is to comletely eliminate the necessity for using a mouse or keyboard. Is there a dataref I can access to connect the ground power before switching it on? Many thanks, Roger.
  10. Thanks Jan I'll have a look.
  11. Thanks for the quick reply - will have a look :-)
  12. Hi - I have a saitek throttle quadrant and am having troube asigning the condition levers to it - I want to use 1 lever for both throttles and the other two leveers for individual condition levers - but they act very erratically - they kinda "want" to follow my hardware inout, but then jump back to the detents - can you advise what I'm doing wrong? thanks :-)
  13. Thanks for the quick reply Jan, It may be the "engaged mode after pressing CMDA" - I was on a SID and the initial altitude is 6000ft, after which the climb to cruising FL is permitted. I set 6000ft in the altitude window and shortly before the waypoint at which the restriction is lifted I reset to cruising level (FL280). However we flew past the waypoint with no climb abd when i checked, the VNAV button was no illuminated. When I prssed it, then I got stuck in CWS P mode. However, it may possible be I missed the waypoint and only increased the altitude set after it - whereupon it may have affected the AP mode. But after resetting the altitude window to FL280, I cannot get either VNAV or LVL CH to work. Could you suggest a testing logic for me? I was on a BCN1X SID out of EGGD. Thanks, Roger.
  14. I'm having the same issue - I've moved the slider all the way to the right, and the red "jitter" indicator is nowhere near the setting, but I still can't get out of cws p - any other thoughts? Thanks, Roger
  15. Hi Jan, is there any way i can use Gizmo debugging to help point me to the issue? Thanks, Roger.
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