Good morning,
First of all, many thanks for this update and great product.
Just a couple of opinions. Maybe is a problem of my settings or install but just in case.
- I fly using Lufthansa livery and although is incredible the quality and reflections when getting dark, I find it too sparkly for a classic aircraft. Anyway, the level of details is incredible.
- Pushback is not turning left or right, only going straight.
- And about the cabin lights, how are they working? If switching off fasten belts is needed for them, I don't understand the feature listed in the update log.
Added a lit cabin at night that dims for takeoff and landing
For me is only off during taxi, taking off and landing as fasten belts are supposed to be on. No dimm light, only totally dark.
Thanks in advance and again, thanks for this gift. I am a P3D user from years but recently bought Xplane 11 only for using this beauty.
Best regards