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Everything posted by Bungegalt

  1. Fixed TerraMax license conflict causing TerraMax to sometimes deactivate momentarily - It worked a few days before the problem resurrected. I suggest that you advertise on your side which of your products that's not compatible with each other. As I understand, this is something about your anti-pirate protection?
  2. In the sim I go to TBM900 Failures and try to repair left wing, i click "Fix all systems" and left wing gets green / Always working, but after a sec gets back to FAILED Copy failure ID = sim/operation/failures/rel_wing1L Cleaned the X-plane11/Output/TBM900/state and flightlog folders, now everything is working. Fantastic aircraft. Amazing really
  3. Windows 10. It started after uninstalling after the latest update, the wing broke on the aircraft and could not repair, tried doing a clean install but are stucked on error: Unable to download component TBM 900: File not found Cleaned all files and downloaded the installer again, it seems to work fine now. However my left wing stays broke and cant be repaired. How can I reset the plane?
  4. I have the same problem no matter what! Downloading the latest installer from X-avation and it dont work. Unable to download component TBM 900: File not found
  5. Eh what!? This is my first post asking about this for what I know. Sorry if I'm annoying to you or doing something wrong. It dont work in 1.5 to assigning both condition levelers! You can assaign leveler 1 and 2 but not connect them both to one axis. That is why I ask for solutions and was referred to ask in this forum. I try x-plane.org tnx
  6. I've been searching for days try to find a solution how to assign both condition levelers to one axis, really annoying. The only solution I found is xjoymap but I cant make it work. Does anyone know how to set up xjoymap? I tried two solutions found on the net but none is working. I followed the instructions and have configure the right axis so i figure maybe something is wrong with the script? NUMBER ONE. 1. you need to install first a free plugin named xjoymap found on the xplane org forum 2. Create a text file “xjoymap.ini” (this will be the config file for the assignment) 3. Paste the configuration below. Your “xjoymap.ini” file should look like: [saab CL both] axis=31 dataref=LES/saab/CL/manip_common(float) drl=1 drh=0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NUMBER TWO [Saab Condition Levers] axis=4 dataref=LES/saab/CL/manip_common(float) drl=0.90 drh=0.50 None of this scripts are working
  7. Hi all! Prop assignment does not work for both condition levers, I manage to assign the condition levers to the separated prop axes 1 & 2, but it is not possible to assign both condition levers to the main prop axis. Can someone tell me how to solve this? Thanks
  8. Ok thank you! Amazing aircraft
  9. Hi! I have a problem that appears after the latest upgrades of X-plane. Sometimes (not always) just as the plane landed on the runway, everything goes out, you can still hear the engine but everything in the cockpit gets black and the aircraft stops working. Is there any explanation or fix for this phenomenon? Tnx
  10. Ok, guess these are the logs you mean? GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  11. No Windows 10
  12. The problem has been there from the begining. When loading real weather, sky max dont load any clouds at all, you can see lighning and rain but no clouds. When change the weather (not real weather) the clouds come back. Only way to make Sky Max work again is to repair X-plane through the installer and reinstall Sky Max Pro, then it seems to work for a couple of xplane startups but then sudden the clouds dont load again. (also have the sky max weather connector, latest gizmo, latest fly with lua and no xplane beta uppgrades) This is really frustrating
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