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Everything posted by VAL067

  1. 2025.............? asking for a mate.
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  2. Hey mate im sorry my mind is a bit fried in the middle of renos and cleaning up so im reading half of what is should..if you problem is only with the TBM have you got any of the special effects turned on,,?
  3. Do you use Process Lasso if not download it and use. Also in your nvidia settings you have V.R pre rendered settings set a 2 try revert to global and make sure global is set to application controlled. Turn threaded optimization OFF and and set up your affinity mask (how many cores you want dedicated) in Process Lasso. Are you running ant A.A outside of XP11..? The system you have should eat V.R for breakfast so more likely is you have a conflicting setting thats causing your issue, when was the last time you cleared out the shader cache and cleaned out your preferences folder in Xp11 remember to back up your controller and custom settings ,are you using Xenviro ..? where is your ORBX G.B stored seperate drive..? I run a 4770 not even a K at 3.9Mhz to 4.0mhz and a GTX 1070 and my AA sits at FXAA maybe 2SSAA in rural settings and world set to med and i run occulus tray at 1.8 and i average 23-45 fps smooth V.R.
  4. Hey mate i can give you straight up advice that the situation you have is more than likely caused by ingame A.A or objrcts setting being to high ..can i ask what you have it set at. ASW is always best to be off. There is also a fallacy that you need on screen fps to be 45fps to have smooth V.R when you can be as low as 22 -25fps and still have a smooth experience. Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  5. Go to plugins then to TBM900 and select visual effects and turn them all off. If this fixes the issue then select only one effect at a time to turn back on until you identify the offending effect or just leave them all off and gain frame rates and a very immersive experience. Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  6. Good morning Ray With the TBM i would suggest turning off all 4 of those effects settings and see what happens. Also with the stuttering try lowering your Super sampling like start at 1.0 if that helps and work your way up. If you using F.I try a full uninstall meaning get rid of all configuration files in App data ext and a fresh re install. Somewhere you have a setting that is giving you grief and its a process of elimination. Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  7. Hi mate I did quite a few ILS and RNAV approaches last night and she didn't budge off the G.S when deployment of 2nd stage flaps was introduced. My thinking into this is your trim setting near enough to T.O position before initiating APP especially the G.S as this helps immensely and are you properly established on the G.S in meaning have you given the aircraft enough time in 1st stage flaps to settle in on the G.S. sometimes this can make A.P APP chuck a hissy fit. Cheers Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  8. If you have HDR +SSAO in your Graphic settings than this might cause it just go back one notch to only HDR,,otherwise go to plugins choose TBM900 and from visual effects untick all and see if this stops it than reintroduce one back at atime to see what is causing it
  9. Hey mate dont be despondent just give it a crack and as for stuttering make sure that A.S.W is disabled in F.I settings and Oculus settings if you have VIve i think its called rear projection or something as this will cause stuttering in V.R. If this dosent solve the stuttering P.M me and we can go through a few ideas.. can i ask why you guys are not using naitive XP11 V.R I have F.I since release but i mainly use native .
  10. No problem glad it worked..yes it would be nice as some planes you can have affects on but some you cant just like the FFA320 it creates a weird affect. You can try and add one back at a time and see which one or if its all of them that are affecting V.R but for me the greatest affect is the immersion and the texture work in this cockpit is some of the best i have seen.
  11. Hey mate in the XP11 Plugins tab TBM900 Visual affects Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  12. Hi guys did you turn off all visual effects including heat blur , Rain Ice ect..i am running without any visual effects and have no isssues. Oculus Rift native V.R GTX1070
  13. Hi all, can someone confirm whether MaxxFx works in native V.R. particularly 11.20b3. Cheers
  14. Only certain conditions work well in VR using SMP you just have to experiment. Otherwise use Ulimate Mod 2.0 read my post in Flyinside forum. I disable both xenviro and SMP when ising flyinside VR . Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  15. VAL067

    Xplane 11?

    Guess i have rattled the hornets nest lols..ah well like i said its all fair and opinions are like Aholes we all have one. I will still be buying your product when it's ready (maybe two months maybe six)and im sure you guys will do a damm fine job of it. Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
  16. VAL067

    Xplane 11?

    I sort of guessed some might get offended and fan boys would white knight themselves but i bet one thing my post would have definitely put a rocket up some butts and made some rethink about what they perceived as an intelligent idea. As for my people skills yeah maybe im blunt and straight to the point but thats me and i get paid quite well for making people rethink about whats achievable or a good idea,so im not changing anytime soon. You are right i dont know much about the development process of a sim aircraft all i know is about the consumer side of flight sim, actually 25 years of buying, installing and deleting products, so maybe you dont think a consumers point of view (even an arrogant,opinionated like mine) is valid well good on ya mate, you have just failed basic business 101.We all want a quality product at the end of the day and what ever time it takes now Que' sera sera,, so i will go back into my troll cave and fly someone elses products for awhile and let you get back to do what you guys do best. No hard feelings as all is fair in Love,War and Flight Sim Software development. Cheers Val .G
  17. VAL067

    Xplane 11?

    No offence intended, its seems some devs were behind the eight ball with the release of XP11 and are playing catch up. Whether this is the fault of Laminar or the devs themselves it dosent matter now. This is a whole new era in flight sim and semi professional just does not cut it anymore. What ever you got away with in the past wont help you now and alot of old xplane devs are finding this out the hard way as now your customer base includes alot of P3D users who are used to a certain level of professionalism, which is found lacking with a lot of Xplane devs. Some have stepped up and taken their products to the next level while others are still trying to find the On button to their workstations. One of this sites biggest sellers should have been ready to roll in XP11 as soon as it came out of Beta but you are still trying to fix things for the XP10 version.. Really? and your next release will work in Xp11 but it wont really work.. Double really ? and then you will release V2 maybe in a couple of months. No no no !! Tell me you sacked this person who came up with this idea.
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