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Everything posted by De_Ren

  1. Here one of mine
  2. Hi People, Does anyone know if there is a .psd file available for painting the wings? In the Paint Kit only the files for fuselage an engines are included. For the moment I'm painting the wings with the png files wich are in the objects folder, but it would be way easier with a real paint kit.
  3. Version 1.0.1


    This is a ficitonal livery for the IXEG 733 of the Luxair LX-LGP (B735) as it used to be in the early 90's.
  4. Luxair Retro (Fictional) View File This is a ficitonal livery for the IXEG 733 of the Luxair LX-LGP (B735) as it used to be in the early 90's. Submitter De_Ren Submitted 08/18/2017 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For Click Here For Aircraft X-Plane Version(s)
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