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  1. Sure, easy enough if you know what to do. But Rosetta? I'd barely heard of it before today, and all I remember is that Apple dropped it years ago.
  2. Well, Hallelujah! Thank you, Pils! (I did try to apply Rosetta to the Gizmo64 file, but not XP-12.) Why was that so hard? I shouldn't need to be a Mac Power User to run a piece of commercial 'shrink-wrap' software. I strongly suggest including these instructions with the installer. I've enjoyed this plane in XP-11 and now look forward to more fun with it in XP-12.
  3. Sir, thank you for the reply. We exchanged emails on Nov 11 about issues I had downloading the installer, which were resolved. When I was unable to use the plane, I replied to the email chain on Dec 6 with my issue and details about my system. If that was not the correct way to request support, no one told me. I've installed Rosetta and am still not able to use the plane. Is there another step? Clean XP-12 installation and only IXEG 737 1.5.2 added. What am I missing? I'm still getting the same error previously reported.
  4. I'm in the same boat as WagnerTenor. I can't tell you how many hours I've fussed with this and tried to fix it. I even emailed Cameron at X-Aviation 6 months ago with the specifics of my system and got no response. They couldn't be bothered to tell me the problem was that this software was incompatible with my hardware! I finally found this in the log file (the error message it generated about VRCONFIG was ZERO help and had me chasing my tail for hours): dlerror:dlopen(/Users/bobv/X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/mac_x64/Gizmo64.plugin.xpl, 0x0006): tried: '/Users/bobv/X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/mac_x64/Gizmo64.plugin.xpl' (mach-o file, but is an incompatible architecture (have 'x86_64', need 'arm64e' or 'arm64')) Now I find out why. Unacceptable.
  5. Nice turn-around on this update! Thanks!! I only wish the installer wouldn't overwrite my nav data... Cheers all
  6. I'm not sure which small minority Yidahoo is referring to, but I'll add my comments here and let them be judged as stupid as others see fit (won't be the 1st time, lol). I think Jan's comments in the "Update Xplane 11 Final" thread are spot on. I would rather see IXEG spend their resources improving the product that I purchased than trying to keep up with the ever changing requirements of a new environment to produce what will effectively be a new version of their 737 Classic. I prefer a stable, mature platform (X-Plane 10) and a stable, mature aircraft (IXEG 737 Classic). I have no desire to be an unpaid Beta tester for either Laminar Research or IXEG (sorry guys). For what it's worth, I didn't upgrade to Windows 7 until the summer of 2011, and only upgraded X-Plane from 9 to 10 when it was released on Stream. Think for a moment about what you're really asking. Jan was too polite to say it, but I'm not associated with IXEG and don't care who i offend. You're essentially asking IXEG to crank out a new version of their superb product and give it to you for free. Are you getting X-Plane 11 for free? (If so, please tell me how!) The product we all purchased was specifically developed for X-Plane 10. I expect to receive updates to the current product for free, but if I were IXEG, I would be charging for an XP 11 compatible version (maybe a discount for current users). Just my $0.02 worth... Flame away
  7. Jan, Thanks for clearing that up! Cheers, Bob
  8. Yes, and thank you for pointing that out. I am happily continuing to use XP 10, at least until the beta testing of XP 11 is complete and possible beyond that for a while.
  9. Hi all, Just purchased the IXEG 737 a few days ago, and I am extremely impressed. I've worked on the 737NG in the Navy (C-40A), been an aircrew member, private pilot, and I've been sim'ing since FS4 in the early 90's. This is by far the best sim aircraft I have ever used. Kudos and Thanks to the developers and many enthusiasts who support this project. I'm having a problem with the EIS and I'm hoping someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong. The demo videos and documentation show calculated values for N1 for the current phase of flight. Mine shows the flight phase (TO, CRZ, etc), but the N1 displays remain blank. I've followed the tutorials but still don't have any indications. Thanks in advance!
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