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  1. Just want to say that the windows defender trick worked perfectly and now it all works well. Just annoyed that after taking off at Nantes after a full Cold and Dark start on my way to Barcellona, 300ft above the runway on take off had a double bird strike which killed both engines and consequently me and my crew and passengers. What are the odds?
  2. Just to let you know I am having exactly the same problem. Not sure it is an IXEG problem though, more likely x-plane 11 pb13. Having no problems in x-plane 10. I will wait until x-plane 11 is finished and IXEG 737 has been ported before worrying about it.
  3. Couple of interesting problems lately. 1. Going along happily at 30fps but when I try to move a waypoint in the FMC to simulate a go direct to, the fps drops to 2-3 for a good 5 minutes and then everything resumes as before. If I pause the sim the fps rises to 30 again but drops on resumption. 2. This was just amusing and probably more to do with pb13 of x-plane, but parked at stand 108 at LIMF, with the brakes on the whole aircraft started swaying and sliding. Stopped after a while. Got pushed back without a problem but when I set the park brake at the end of the pushback, the aircraft sank about 6ft into the ground with a resounding crash and ended the flight. Amusingly go a message to say I had blown a tire.
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