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  1. Early morning load at NZCH.
  2. Inibuilds A300 AH2 runs.
  3. Yep; now I have to sort out XP10 crashing on exit now, which is a new one, lol (probably a driver thing). If it's not one thing, it's another.
  4. Well, the xEnviro folks may have nailed it. They pointed out that my log file indicated a slightly out of date video driver and apparently some recent Nvidia drivers had been buggy. Updated those and pushed the weather update out beyond every 5 minutes (to 10), loaded all of my plugins (said to heck with it) and set off on a 264nm test flight. Made it through the entire flight successfully....finally. Time will tell if that holds up, but I'm cautiously optimistic that the problem's solved for now.
  5. Yep, I understand, no worries. I'm going to do some more playing around with it tonight following xEnviro's suggestions and see if I have any better luck with it. If nothing else, I'll just have to make it SOP to disable everything prior to using the Saab.
  6. The folks over at xEnviro have given me a few system things to try and I'll do those when I get back home, but they also indicated that since it's only crashing with the Saab, it may indicate an issue with the aircraft. Would the vast number of missing sound files listed in the GizmoLog cause an issue? I'm going to try and re-download/re-install the file from my account tonight and see if I can get a more complete copy as it seems the one I downloaded the other day from the site could be faulty.
  7. Got one pattern flight in the books with no plugins other than Gizmo. Loaded up xEnviro as the first test subject as it was mentioned in this thread; setup a flight from KHYI to KFST, and made it to near 15k' before it crashed. So early results do point to xEnviro, which is disappointing as I have not encountered this problem with my other primary aircraft (IXEG 737, FF757v2, STMA PC-12). I'll try a few more flights with it installed and see if the results are the same and run through some of the other plugins. Edit: Ticket filed with the xEnviro folks, but I'm not sure if it's all on their side or a shared issue. GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  8. I'll give that a shot tonight, when I'm finished with my FSE flights for the evening (PC-12 fun). Thanks!
  9. Here's the files from last night. I should note that I flew into NZWN with the IXEG737 in the previous session, so XP10 loaded up with that first before I switched over to the Saab. Whether I start fresh with the Saab or load into it from another aircraft doesn't seem to make any difference...it still crashes eventually. GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  10. Yep, I'll do that once I get back home. Just came across this thread while searching on the problem at work.
  11. Hmm, I'm going to have to experiment and see if xEnviro is at the root of my problems with the SAAB (I've never had CTD's with other aircraft like the FF Boeings and IXEG 737). I bought the aircraft the other day and out of 7 flights in the plane, XP10's crashed 7 times with it, sometimes while still on the ground, sometimes 20 minutes after takeoff...I've yet to get a single successful flight in the SAAB, which is disappointing.
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