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  1. Is that in XP11 only or XP10 aswell? - Need to get another p/b plugin to do the job then.
  2. Hello, I found an old Continental 737-SOP (Dated Feb. 2011) and extracted the checklists as well as the Cockpit-Flows. This may help you to get even more realistic operations in your flight-sim. File can be found here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/37446-ixeg-boeing-737-300-classic-flow-and-checklist/ Cheers Ben
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  3. Hello Guys, As my question has been skipped, here it is again. Will there be XP10 updates after version 1.1? Cheers Ben
  4. Hello Guys, Will v1.1 the final version for XP10? - my old imac will not be able to change to XP11, so I might stay on XP10 for a few more months/years to come. Just asking, because there will still be some missing g features in version 1.1, right? (E.g HOLDS) Cheers Ben
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