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  1. Solved. Hardware strikes again. Still no clickspot for the MFD knob. TDB
  2. The aircraft worked great yesterday and all of a sudden, no ability to steer on the ground. I get full rudder deflection and partial nosewheel deflection, but not the entire range. I've tried unchecking the chocks, saving perfs, and restarting. I've tried reinstalling. I've tried swapping to other aircraft and back. Yaw Damper is off. T.Flight Hotas One is configured and calibrated. Laptop has been restarted a few times. The switch is on PC, not XBOX. I remember switching from XP12, to MSFS, and back to XP12 and then no steering. Is it something with FSUIPC7? Mu-2 is 2.1.0 Unrelated, but I don't have any clickspot on the MFD for the G5/600. Purchased and installed yesterday. Log.txt
  3. Hi, It seems like I'm having a similar issue to another member on here with the "ILS not working" so to speak. I'm flying from KFSM to KFYV via FSM and the LDA/DME 34 (attached). The issue that I seem to have is capturing the LOC from an LNAV state. Yes, the freq and course are correct. The airplane captures the "final approach course" in LNAV but never actually captures the LOC (both LOC and GS are armed, white). I have uploaded the approach procedure and two screenshots. The first screenshot shows the aircraft on the 006 radial from FSM heading towards the intercept with APP mode selected. The second picture shows the aircraft on "course" but without the LOC being captured. I'm just trying to figure out if this is IXEG specific issue/bug or true to life (which I don't think). The IXEG will not descent on the G/S in LNAV, either. I have replicated this exact flight and configuration with the FF B767 and it does capture the LOC and GS from LNAV. Thanks for any help or clarification. 00728LDAD34.PDF
  4. It took a looong time and I burned the engines up, but I made it to FL410.
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  5. I bought version 4 last night. I'll be taking a look at xEnviro here soon. Those pictures look great.
  6. Ok, great. I appreciate you taking a look at a potential implementation. Thanks for the quick reply.
  7. So, just to confirm - there is no possible way to have the joystick "throttle" operate the airplane's power levers from full power to min. idle and then, by the push of a button on my joystick, be able to move the joystick's "throttle" so that it commands beta to full reverse? This being done as if they were two independent power ranges switched by the push of a button. Just purchased the airplane after a long time of thinking about it. Incredible job. This power lever issue would is my only complaint. Look forward to the Citation's release.
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