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Everything posted by 45South

  1. Ah sweet - thanks! I was looking in the skymax options pulldown.
  2. I too find this annoying - where is the check box to get rid of it, albeit for 2 weeks?
  3. With no support or even acknowledgment from the developer here on this issue I went looking and found something better and it's free.
  4. While I'm reasonably happy with skymaxx pro4 clouds through the day I think they look terrible and totally unrealistic at dusk (a favourite time to fly I'm sure with a lot of people). I have been looking at clouds to close to 50 years now both on the ground and from the air and I can't recall ever seeing black clouds (apart from intense thunderstorm activity which this is not), grey yes - black no. In fact I was lying in bed last night watching them with great interest as they went from white to a bit of colour and then grey with the setting sun, never black like depicted in xplane/skymaxx pro4. In the image posted the setting sun is directly behind the aircraft. I'm happy with the cloud textures leading up to this point and even 2 of the small clouds in the middle have the right shade of grey but all the rest..... Am I doing something wrong or is this what everyone else sees?
  5. Thanks trev, do you know how far out from the station the metar will be active for? Is it a standard distance/radius across the xplane globe or does it vary station to station? On a side issue I've just found out about NZ Ultimate scenery being developed, i think to complement the currently available HD mesh v3. Looks good.
  6. Yes, why is that? I would have thought Auckland and Wellington would have been reporting as well?
  7. Ok - thanks for your quick response Cameron (always reassuring to get timely feedback from developers - much appreciated). So it's x-plane dropping the vis? It's just that I was getting pretty good frames (30-40), I thought it didn't intervene until down around 20? I'll keep experimenting. Cheers.
  8. Ok, So I'm kinda new to all this so I apologise in advance if I'm asking stupid questions but I'm having a hard time getting my head around all this stuff. I am running XP11 with skymax pro4.0.1 and RWC1.1 Where does RWC download it's METAR from? The reason I ask is that when I start a flight at an airport with known vis greater than 10km it (RWC I presume) always drops in this haze and when I look in the x-plane weather settings vis is set at 10mile. I have download real weather settings checked in xplane and have tried both auto and always in RWC. It seems to get the winds right but on loading I can see clear blue to the horizon and then a few seconds later when it kicks in it drops in the haze to reduce vis. Also, I like to fly in the local area where I live from a small regional field (NZMO) there's no METAR available here so what happens then? What I don't understand is RWC gets the wind right but no clouds seen in sim when clearly clouds out the window. How can it get wind data but not cloud? Thanks
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