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  1. thanks
  2. Hellow everyone I have mentioned in the past that when running the 737,from time to time it freezes,i have received a reply ,need to exclude the program from window defender,specially if using the FMC direct legs or modified route. I have done it but unfortunately,it keeps happening,most of the time after 2hours flight. cannot understand why,I have purchased the 737 less than 6 months ago,does it need an update to fix the issue ?? Many thanks
  3. Hi everyone, Does any one knows why when putting on the weather radar on the IXEG 737 300,it only works on the captain's display and not the F/officer,it used to work before but suddenly stopped. Many thanks
  4. I have mentioned in the past that when I am flying the 737 and reach the destination, I shut the engines and fly back to the same point of departure.my flight most of the time it freezes up,I just cannot understand Why??? I got some quote to exclude xplane from the anti virus. I have done it but the problem persist, can somebody give more advise. Many thanks
  5. So far so good,thanks for the advice.Xplane excluded from the anti virus. an other issue I have, cannot resolve it,I cannot get ATC service for my filed flight plan,I have entered Departure airport and destination airport with a valid flight plan in the correct format no sid or a star but it does not file,entered correct frenquencies ,not ATC service for my flight,I only get the altimeter setting that all. Am doing it properly?? Many thanks.
  6. Thank you,will try it but I thought about this one ,I have turn off the window defender ,I still encountered the same situation but not on the airbus just the IXEG 737 300,will will exclude the Xplane folder.
  7. Thank you for the response. From time to time,I am experiencing a total freeze on this aircraft (Xplane freeze) not on other aircraft and it happens out of the blue when I touch a button,do you know the answer? does it need updating? also when I file a flight plan,I am not getting the ATC service,I have inserted all the correct frequencies,the only thing am getting is the Altimeter setting and this is it. Many thanks
  8. marino

    IXEP 737-300

    Hi everyone, From time to time,when I am flying either on cruise or landing,not on every single flight this occurs,I experience the program to stop and freeze with a noise then I have no choice but to turn off the computer from the the turn off button,Had a message from xplane10 when I tried to open it again,this is what it says " make sure there is no other xplane copy running at the background" in which ,I had 1 in the past but deleted it and cannot see anything on the computer. Also it advised me about the IPv6,not being enabled,I have checked it and it is checked and enabled. I have scanned the computer and it is fine. Again ,this is not on every flight but it happens more frequent,does anyone experienced an issue like this. Many thanks.
  9. Ok Thank you.
  10. Hi guys If I upgrade to Xplane 11,does it affect my addons Jar design 330 and 320 NEON airbus and the IXEP 737 300 classic installation,or do I need to eninstall everything and re install them again,how about the performance is it affected? from what I can see on the post there is no much of a difference accept water landing and more airport movement,no pluggin needed,in Xplane 10,some of the airport has no buildings, just runnways and upron no buildings,does xplane11 made changes to that. Many Thanks.
  11. I have downloaded 2 liveries British airways and Air Algerie,I installed them on my IXEP 737 300,I can see them on the right hand side of XIEP 737 300 but when choosing them as a livery for flying,there is no change,I kept having the default plane livery,I have other livery that I have downloded from the livery manager from IXEP 737 300 and it did change to the choosen livery but the one I have downloaded from here,they do not change.I have checked the files.they have the IXEP objects etc...
  12. I downloaded a livery from xplane.org,from the list I installed it in IXEP livery,it is appearing on the 737 300 when launching xplane,but when I open it ,there is nothing,it is the default plane again. I installed a livery from the livery manager of IXEP and it has worked for the its liveries but the downloaded one are all empty. Does anyone know why?? Thanks
  13. Hi, I have downloaded some liveries for IXEP 737 300 and saved them on the desktop unziped,can somebody help how to install it onto IXEP 737,at the moment I only have the default plane installed,I pasted the livery file on aircraft then heavy metal and liveries but it is not there. Many thanks
  14. This is keep happening but not all the time,either on final,an electrical failure or a complete Freeze of xplane 10,I am trying to establish the cause but cannot find anything,I had a hard copy of xplane installed in the past but einstalled it and bought an other one, the download version,because had to install the hard copy on a different machine ,had to buy the download version which in the future can give you a free upgrade to xplane 11,I am wondering if it is clashing with it,but I cannot see the older folder,this is not all the time ,it occurs frequently out of the blue,can you help. Many thanks.
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