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    Flying X-Plane Simulator

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Actually, I'm still running XPlane 10 and thats SMP3 with RWC. Based on the videos I've seen I don't thing I'll be wasting the $ on X Enviro. SMP4 looks like it'll do the trick!
  2. Nice window view of sunset.... John F. Kennedy Int
  3. Upon a second restart of xplane I was prompted to verify my X-aviation account and it is now working. Thank you for your help! Log.txt
  4. Sorry Log.txt
  5. Unfortunately no such luck. Downloaded the new Gizmo64 and replaced with existing but still no clouds. Original clouds reappear instantly when I disable SMP using pluginadmin.
  6. Thanks Cameron, I'll give that a try! X-plane is not the same without SMP!
  7. I'm wondering if anyone can help me. I recently downloaded the new xplane11 beta and had fun with it for a few hours before returning to X Plane 10. I've been running plane 10 with skymaxx pro and real weather connector with no problems for months. Suddenly I have no clouds only precipitation! I removed XP11 and uninstalled both RWC and SMP using the uninstaller in the X-avation folder and ran the updater for X plane 10 only to have the same result after reinstalling the pluigins. The original original XP clouds work when I disable SMP and I've also noticed RWC isn't available in the plugins drop down menu. I'm not too good with the tech end of this software and was wondering if theres something i can do or would i be better off clearing the computer of x plane all together and start from scratch again. ANY IDEAS??? Log.txt
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