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  1. Same problem here. It worked fine up to IXEG v1.1 and another user reported that it still works with v1.2 on XP10. Let's hope this gets fixed soon. Once you get used to using the iPad, it's hard to go back to fiddling around with the mouse..
  2. Thanks for the update! Unfortunately the link with Haversine Airfmc is broken with this update. It defaults to some generic setup. I just ran it with IXEG 1.1 this afternoon and it worked fine (XP11). Could you please look into this? It is really a great feature to be able to control the fmc through an ipad. Regards, André
  3. Hi Tom, Yes that works! Thank you very much! Regards, André
  4. Hello fellow 737 pilots, I´m using flywithlua to program my VRInsight MCP-Combo and would like to assign two switches to switch the RMI Needle indication between VOR and ADF. I´ve searched through the available Datarefs for the IXEG (the list in the manual and with the Datareftools plugin) and couldn´t find this function. Does anyone know which Dataref is used to switch these? Kind Regards, André
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