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About Gianluca

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Hi, Running on XP11, IXEG 1.1, I've noticed that the airplane, when planning an SID/STAR isn't following the proper radial. The gap is +/- 10°. Yesterday, while doing the ILS-Z App @ LIMF from SRN2A STAR, TOP vor TRANS, I've noticed that when leaving TOP vor, the plan was flying for radial 291° while should be 281°. Same issue today departing from LIMF doing the TOP7A. After takeoff, the airplane turns to h354° while it should mantain rwy hdg so R-002 from CSL vor. Even in other airports the issue of following the right radial persists. How to solve this issue? Using 1706 airac.
  2. Okay thanks. So both of you weren't able to find a solution about it right? I hope XP will solve it as soon as possible .)
  3. Hi Everyone, I'm trying to let the IXEG working on XP11 but once I load, the plane moves backward even if parking brake is set up. Looks like a slow pushback but no commands were assigned to XP to do it. How can I solve it? Regards
  4. Seems an HTTP error 503...Server seems to be in overload. Am I right?
  5. Hi, I'm trying to install the update .6 / .7 but I'm having the error as displayed on the image below. I've tried to reboot Gizmo but nothing changes. I'm using XPL 10.50 b4
  6. Hi, I bought this beautiful aircraft and they're doing a great work! Does anyone knows how do I import SID/STAR? Thanks
  7. An ETA for this jewellery?
  8. Citation TEN
  9. Thanks Simon, Ceck your PM
  10. Thank you Kesomir, Did you recommend to use REX for Clouds? Have you got some screen of your configuration?
  11. In addition, is possible to have some screens of your configuration? Gianluca
  12. Hello to all, after 5000/6000 hours in the Microsoft FS world, I wan start to fly in Xplane, I have seen in recent months doing been work .I have the CDs of Xplane 9.when I've done all the updates do you recommend for a wonderful simulator?? Regards.. P.S Is possible have got a xplane 10 beta?I can help us.
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