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Everything posted by heyjoojoo

  1. I don't appreciate such comments. Please do not reply with that if you don't want to contribute.
  2. Hahahaha.... correct. It probably is "right" for some but that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking if it can be adjusted. Sounds like maybe you're not sure?
  3. Not really. The photo was either taken at night or the "lights" were adjusted to appear that way. Either way, it required input from the pilots to change it. It's not like a cell phone which uses "auto brightness". The lights are manually adjusted within the flight deck. So are you saying that those annuciator lights cannot be brightened manually?
  4. Really odd that some of the users are so bothered by those desiring yet another realistic and immersive looking effect such as 'wingflex'. I guess I could bothered by turbulence, and other weather conditions that affect how a plane feels and flies. I was stunned to see that an addon like this has no wingflex. It's a bit of a deal breaker for me. Heck, even some default aircraft have wingflex. EADT has wingflex and so does JARDesigns A320. IXEG should as well. It may be minimal but it is still noticeable and therefore deserves to be included in the product.
  5. Sorry about the confusion. Not sure how to describe this... The individual light switches have their own light sources. It seems in the IXEG, that they are a little dimmer than the actual panel in a 737CL. Can I adjust how these individual lights on the switches? I would imagine if I did a night time flight, that I could turn up the lights behind the panel to have these switches and buttons more prominent in the panel.
  6. that adjusts the light bulbs behind the individual buttons/messages?
  7. Which bright/dim switch? Are you referring to the one in the overhead?
  8. BTW, I'm not referring to overall brightness of the cockpit which would be provided by the dome light and panel brightness button. I'm referring to the illuminated signs and messages that appear in the consoles that are overhead, in the forward and pedestal panels. They seem a little dim to me compared to real-world B734 flight deck.
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