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Everything posted by brettnicholls

  1. Flying along at FL310 when the main door went open causing a depressurization. I managed to get down to 10000 feet and then land. I tried to re secure Main Door ( Passenger Entry ) but will not close tight. I checked Maintenance on the Airframe but everything was OK. Will attach logs. Thanks in advance Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  2. Sounds like you have a slow cpu, what are your specs?
  3. Hi just checked. I have a GTX 1080, Driver 430.86 and DirectX Verizon 12
  4. Hi Goran, are the Open GL drivers not included within the NVIDIA Drivers that I have installed?
  5. Hi I was flying at 12000 feet, through cloud and rain, at -13, and no ice forming anywhere. I checked the TBM plugin and made sure the Rain and Ice effects are turned on. I remember earlier in the piece that this worked but not so much now. Are there any other settings I’ve missed because I have not changed anything, at least not I would remember. Thanks in advance..
  6. Just happened to me, I looked back onto this forum and put A/C back to manual, as someone stated. Temp went back to normal. Not sure if it makes any difference but usually I fly at quite high FLT but this flight is only at 12000 feet. OAT -10c and ISA -1c
  7. Hi just trying to understand the rudder trim and if it’s right. Flying at FLT290 with a wind of 38 knots at about 220 degrees relative to the aircraft. External view shows the rudder trim is pointing towards the left. The rudder graphic in the cockpit is positioned on the right side. I was wondering does the rudder trim work the rudder by deflecting the rudder opposite the direction of the trim or does the trim act like a mini rudder and the rudder stays straight. I had a look at the rudder position, looking down on top, and noticed no deflection at all.
  8. I was wondering about when you click on Empty plane, in the Payload Manager, that it would be emptied without a pilot still sitting in the seat. Just a thought..
  9. Hi Goran, Xplane crashed on latest Xplane update (11.33 ). Logs included. flying towards KDEN around FL110. Regards Brett TBM900_Log.txt Log.txt
  10. Hi I must say with the new update the ground handling is much better. Thanks guys for correcting this. For me most of my breakages has been from crashing on takeoffs or landings.
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  11. Yeah funny that..It’s one of Orbx sceneries which I have had for awhile and flown into a few times without issue.
  12. Hi Goran, another crash after very long flight, include Log Files TBM900_Log.txt Log.txt
  13. Hi is your Battery good. Does it spin faster on the GPU?
  14. Hi does anyone know how to stop the XPReality Pro box appearing every time XPlane starts up. I have gone through the settings but can’t see anything obvious to turn it off. Thanks for any help.
  15. I have found it asks for the activation, sometimes after a widows update. I will check out Gizmo preference and see if it can sort it in the background.
  16. I second that Fireone, help is never far away on this forum from Goran.
  17. Hi I noticed that when you click on the Bose Headset it disappears.. as you would expect. Would be cool to see it appear on the pilots head.
  18. Yep crashed again, logs for latest crash. Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  19. Hi Goran, went into maintenance and saw the Pulse Light missing even though it said it was new. Tried to replace it but crash to desk top. Went back but the pulse light still not replaced. left it for a moment then CTD again. supplied new logs just in case something different Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  20. Thanks Goran
  21. Hi twice I tried to set switches on my CH Throttle Quadrant and twice crashed. Logs included Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
  22. brettnicholls


    Hi just wondering if anyone has tried to use the ADF/DME. I find I can’t seem to change the frequency into the active. I can change the numbers but when it says push Enter the change it just reverts back to the original number. You can swap between the two numbers that are in there but not alter and change. I think that I was putting the numbers in wrong. If you have a 3 digit number you have to put a Zero at the beginning.
  23. Hi thanks Daytona you were right, I didn’t have it switched on, how real is that. Love this plane.
  24. Thanks Goran that fixed it
  25. Hi just updated to 1.1.7. Crashes out before it loads. Log.txt TBM900_Log.txt
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