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Everything posted by BelGeode

  1. I am really loving how this aircraft has progressed so quickly. Even in 11.30 beta, she is starting to shine. Only VR related anomalies I have noted thus far, icing is not appearing where it should be. Other than that, She is faring quite well. See attached picture below, which is of my LEFT EYE in the Oculus Rift.
  2. Thank you very much. This version works. I am now sitting inside the cockpit. Now to evaluate its use in VR. By the way, hats off to whomever made the tutorial, your floating arrows are appearing in vr, almost in the right spots.
  3. Point made. I am just here to find out when the next update comes out, and if it will fix my current ctd issue. So if I could get notifications about that, that would be super. Thanks.
  4. Updated, rebooted, still CTD on Radeon. Same error as before. I will check back later.
  5. Confirmed, I am using an AMD Radeon RX-480, in VR.
  6. Awesome. No rush. I am flying around Orbx UK in warbirds. I have plenty of time.
  7. Great idea, however in my case. no dice. even with no plugins installed (The only ones I really use anyway are Avitab and 3jfps), I am still crashing to desktop. Log file excerpt again... ***Note- This is with version 1.0.1*** The only thing that I believe is different is I am in native VR. Once again loaded a different aircraft, then loaded TBM while sitting on the ramp, after entering username and password to verify.
  8. Same story here. Loaded up in Orbx UK at Culdrose... It was fine with VFlyte Air Tiger. While in the Tiger, I got the pop up for X-Aviation to sign in. I did. Went back to the main menu (BTW I AM IN VR- OCULUS RIFT). Selected TBM 900, and CTD... Here is the excerpt of that portion of the log.
  9. Not even going to lie. I am IMPRESSED. I was looking at your competitor as well, but this just sealed the deal for me. SOLD!!! And thank you for the 50% off btw, that was cool of you to do!
  10. This promises to be interesting. I do have to say I was extremely disappointed a few weeks ago, when I tried to fly through Hurricane Matthew and Sky Maxx Pro / RWC only gave me a few overcast puffy clouds, and a wind speed of 30 knots gusting to 50. FSX with Active Sky Next really nailed it, enough for me to make a video with friends. But I am hoping this iteration of Sky Maxx Pro will redeem itself there. Aside from that, I actually like the product and highly recommend it! It DOES in fact save a LOT of FPS! That alone is worth the money.
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