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Posts posted by rserpieri

  1. Hi all,

    First, congratulations to the HotStart Team for this amazing masterpiece!

    The level of detail and depth of the simulation is astonishing.

    It might be just me but I can't turn on the weather Radar or, more precisely, the WX Radar seems to be on according to the indications on the PFD and MFD but I don't see any return while flying through an area of intense precipitation.

    Furthermore, I do not have any control of the Tilt.

    Any idea?



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  2. Dear Jan,

    Yesterday I was able to do some checking with the IXEG.

    Following your suggestions I discovered that the XP11 folder had not been excluded from the Kaspersky virus scan.

    Excluding XP11 from the scan allowed me to achieve a smoother simulation with just a few stutters (mostly during taxiing).

    I will do more tests and will let you know.


    Best regards,


  3. Dear Jan,

    Thanks always for your prompt reply. This is my situation:

    1.) Currently using Vulkan

    2.) I have other plugins, I will check it out although every other complex addon is smooth and does not show any sign of stuttering;

    3.) I use Kaspersky and I excluded XP 11. Do I have to do something else with Windows Defender?

    4.) I use Riva Tuner for monitoring of performance and it does not show any sign of excessive stress on the VRAM (usage of the Video Card Is usually about 45% since I prefer not to use very high settings giving priority to FPS and smoothness).

    5.) Gizmo garbage collector settings: I tried to increase both values. Should I only try with one of the two and, eventually, which one?

    Also, is the Gizmo version dated Matlrch 2021 the best one to use for the IXEG 733?


    Thanks again for your time and your support, best regards,


  4. Hello everybody,

    I am experiencing a lot of microstutters (on ground and inflight) when using the IXEG 737 v. 1.33 despite the frame rate being very good.

    I have checked previous posts in the forums and tried to tweek the Gizmo Garbage Collector but I can't find a setting that fixes the problem.

    My specs are Ryzen 7 3700x, RAM 16GB @ 3200Mhz, RTX 3070 8GB.

    The Gizmo version is March 2021.

    I have many other complex addons and all of them run smooth with my settings, only the IXEG doesn't.

    Any idea on how to resolve this issue?


    Thanks for your help, kind regards,


  5. 49 minutes ago, F1le said:

    Works fine if ShadeX is deactivated and removed from plugins ... Damn, I like ShadeX - is there any possibility this plane can worth with ShadeX?

    Try to deactivate ShadeX and activate It again through the plugin admin. Mine worked...

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  6. 2 hours ago, Goran_M said:

    If you're happy with that work-a-round, then by all means, continue with it.

    Try to avoid comparing the TBM with other add ons.  A lot of stuff in the TBM, you won't find in other add ons.  A perfect example of this is the ice and rain effects.  When other drawing plugins are introduced, like reshade or shadex, unpredictable things may happen.

    However, as I mentioned, if it works, then by all means continue using it how you wish.  Glad you got it working.

    Thanks for your help Goran, I'll stick with the work-a-round and I will report back should any problem arise.


    Kind regards,


  7. Hi Goran, I was able to delete Reshade and upon loading XP11 with the TBM I still had the same issues but if I momentarely disable ShadeX through the plugin admin and enable it right away everthing seems to work fine and I can see the TBM tutorial and the panel at the same time, I can use the AOA gauge and I don't get a blank screen anymore.

    I tried a couple of times and I can always overcome the isuues by momentarely disabling and then enabling ShadeX once again.

    With the above "procedure" I can also use the TBM with ShadeX and everthing seems to work fine.

    I also tried with other addon aircrafts for which there is no need to apply "the procedure" because they work right away with ShadeX.

    Kind regards,


  8. Hello, I have just purchased the TBM 900, it is a nice software and can't wait to fully enjoy It.

    Unfortunately, I am having some issues with the graphics: everytime I start the TBM tutorial my screen goes blank and I cannot see the TBM panel anymore but I do see the tutorial window (as shiwn in the picture).

    The panel also disappears when I try to use the AOA gauge.

    In both cases the only thing I can see, other than the blank screen, is the x-plane top menu bar.

    I am using ShadeX but I am not seeing issues with any other plane addon.

    Any idea on how to solve the problem?

    Thanks in advance,



  9. Hi guys,


    just wondering if turning the engine anti-ice ON has any effect on the engine parameters such as EGT, N2 etc.

    I'm using Xplane 11.30 with IXEG 1.21 and I don't see any difference between Eng Anti-ice On/Off (didn't try with the wing anti-ice yet).

    Is the Engine Anti-ice system modeled on the IXEG?


    Kind regards,



    Inviato dal mio BLN-L21 utilizzando Tapatalk



  10. Hi guys, since the update to 1.21 I'm having troubles with the autobrake: it disarms everytime I use the rudder (in my case through a Thrustmaster joystick).


    This behavior happens both during the take-off (RTO position) and landing roll (any autobrake position).


    Any idea on how to fix it?


    Best regards,

    Roberto Serpieri


    Inviato dal mio BLN-L21 utilizzando Tapatalk



  11. Just checked it: my bad, it I is working perfectly! It happened that I was mistakenly looking at the needles while the LE flaps being extended is only indicated through the green light! Silly me...So sorry Jan 😃...and by the way your 737 is nothing less than AMAZING: I'm a Colleague currently rated on the flying computer (the 320 Family) and I have to say that the IXEG 737 is such a believable aircraft, it just feels "right" and handles just like a real world airliner! My hat off to all of the IXEG Team! 👏 👏

    Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk

  12. Hi there,

    While trying the Alternate Flaps function (turning OFF all the hydraulics) I noticed that I was able to raise the flaps all the way up (Leading Edge and Trailing Edge devices). Should the TE devices only retract while the LE stay extended?

    Thanks in advance,


    Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk

  13. I have never tried it in the real sim or plane... I may write it down on the list of things to try next sim session. Dutch roll really is not an issue with the 737. That is why they removed the second yaw damper.

    interesting, thanks

    Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk

  14. As far as I know, the 737 is not prone to dutch roll. I have flown one of our 737-400s with the yaw damper inoperative and didn't feel any difference.  

    I wonder what happens if you tried to trigger the dutch roll (with control inputs)? Have you ever tried it in the real 737 simulator?

    Kind regards,


    Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk

  15. I will report to you if I come up with a solid link between xEnviro and Gizmo (I only have IXEG so I cant test the SAAB

    any news? I have the IXEG 737 and I was considering buying Xenviro but I first want to make sure I can use it with the 737...



    Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk

  16. See this topic:


    Thanks for redirecting me to the older post, I didn't know anything about this system which was greatly explained by Jan...

    Thanks IXEG for such an amazing plane...

    Inviato dal mio ASUS_Z00AD utilizzando Tapatalk

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