Hi guys, I'm again having this issue about a malformed METAR file:
SkyMaxx Pro: Raised stratus layer to avoid a layer collision.
SkyMaxx Pro: Found new METAR.rwx file
SkyMaxx Pro: Parsing METAR data
--=={This application has crashed because of the plugin: SkyMaxx Pro}==--
With all due respect, since I've been experiencing it for long: I would like to ask you to, please, put some error handling routines on your code so that you encapsulate the exception inside your plugin rather than raising it up to X-Plane process and making it crash.
Maybe it's hard, maybe it's not. Not sure about the complexity of your codebase & design.
Will be waiting for a new update, hoping SkyMaxx pro to handle malformes METAR file. It would be awesome.
AND thanks for this great plugin.