Sorry if this has been reported before, but I have some questions about the autoflight and FMS systems.
1. Going into KBOS via the GDM4 star, I needed to change the crossing altitude at LOBBY intersection to 11,000. I tried entering 11000 and the FMS didn't respond to it. Is this function working?
2. Is there an INTC LEG TO function? Normally while being vectored to join the final approach course, it's common practice to intercept the inbound course for an approach. Am I missing something?
3. LNAV occasionally turns away from the magenta active route. I'll select LNAV on an intercept heading and once LNAV is active, the autoflight system turns away from the course even though the active waypoint is correct. This also occurs occasionally entering a holding pattern as part of an approach transition. Any ideas?
4. Does the real 737 FMS inhibit VNAV is there's a discontinuity on the legs or RTE pages?
By the way, despite some small issues, the IXEG 737 is a revolutionary product for X-plane. I've tried x-plane many times in the past, but always went back to FSX. IXEG is a game changing addon for x-plane and thanks for product!