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Everything posted by Destinate

  1. we have both win 10 http://i.imgur.com/QA1twx5.jpg this happens after some time, the flickering sound is spamming and the displays have a graphic bug (and all other displays are off)
  2. we have both the same time so I think its not that but could it be some problem with smart copilot itself because If I try to start as the master I get the msg "same license" but we have different keys so I dont know why I get this msg (no one else has my key) stupid problem
  3. Thank u for the fast answer but what do u mean with "check time of your mobos" do we need the same ingame time to fix the flickering sound and all that ?
  4. Heyho, I have some problems and need some help. When I connect via slave with smartcopilot to a friend there is always a flickering sound and a flickering menu and I have always problems with all displays because nothing is turned on or a graphic bug appears on the displays. Does someone know how to fix that? best regards, Desti
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