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Everything posted by fukhar15

  1. In the US approaches change quickly off a star, (ex. SERFR2 MENLO ILS28L changes to MENLO ILS28R.) When programming it into the FMC I get a gizmo crash and both fmcs are useless. The plane then becomes overweight. Flaps 40 VREF of, ex. 128 then lands at 155, any lower it stalls. Had to divert from shorter fields to larger airports because of it. (Ex. BUR divert to LAX). Please let me know if you need more info
  2. I'm not sure if this has been asked/answered but will the crash with the gizmo in changing approaches/stars be fixed in the u coming release?
  3. Not sure but when aircraft get in close proximity with the TCAS will there be an alert or will the aircraft on the screen just changed to red/yellow?
  4. Any new info?
  5. I dont blame them for the amount of features theyre adding and number of systems they have to work with. It sounds like it may be sooner then we expected for when v1.1 is released. Fingers crossed!
  6. Hopefully the update comes soon. Been waiting quite a long time like everyone else and looking very forward to it
  7. Hi, while in climb I can not control the vertical navigation at all. When I try to engage VNAV it flashes the orange AP RST, this is the same for Level Change and Vertical speed. When I push VNAV or Level Change the speed just changes in the MCP but will not climb the aircraft at that speed. The aircraft will also not level off. I have all failures off. Please help, Harrison If this helps, Sierra OSX, XP10.51 on Steam IXEG V1.0.7
  8. Heres how it went down, after pushback i checked the flight controls and everything worked. After departing around 2,000 feet I engaged the autopilot but then i noticed the plane would not turn right on the sid so i disengaged the autopilot to find the aircraft yoke would not turn right nor the aircraft. The only way i was able to get some movement in the yoke and turn right was to stab trim the right aileron to the max amount. I hope this helps.
  9. plane will turn left and pitch up and down
  10. Hi, during preflight the ailerons moved right but when i engaged the autopilot the plane would not turn right and i had to use the rudder to do so, after disengaging the autopilot it did not change any thing and the yoke will not animate right or turn. Please help, thanks
  11. Accidentally posted in wrong forum, please delete. Sorry
  12. Hi All, I absolutely love the IXEG and my iMac which I recently updated to Sierra and the IXEG does not work with it. Do I have to re download it or do I have to wait for IXEG V1.1? Thanks
  13. Just wondering by any means the IXEG crew will add a HUD to the 737 Classic. Not sure if many people know but Southwest Airlines has a hud installed on their 737-300 aircraft and it would definitely be very cool to add that and use it in IMC. Please take this as an idea not a request
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