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Everything posted by vladd148

  1. Out of curiosity, how do you guys trim for level flight? Do you trim the ailerons or rudder? Or both? Even at cruise speed and altitude, the aircraft always seems to bank to the right without yaw trim.
  2. Make sure the stability augmentation is set to 0% on the yaw. I had the same issue prior. Additionally, Set the yaw curve on your pedals so that it's a bit more fine on the small movements. Should solve it. I am able to take off without too many issues and I am using the paddles on my T16000M for rudder, so you shouldn't have any issues with the pedals once your make those changes.
  3. vladd148


    Updated the drivers, and so far no issues with it. The only thing I am getting that is strange is anytime I open the AOA indicator everything flashes, but it is not a significant issue since I don't use it. Thanks!
  4. vladd148


    My apologies, here it is. I just updated my Nvidia Driver so I'm going to give it another go, and see if it makes a difference. Log.txt
  5. vladd148


    I was flying on base leg on Pilotedge, and just as I was turning final X-Plane crashed. Using XP11.3r2. I have attached the log. TBM900_Log.txt
  6. Any chance to ever get a livery for this beauty?
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