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Everything posted by Granados

  1. OK, fine. and it might be not very important, but it is possible to get the second officer out of the plane? I´m not quite sure if i really need a virtual buddy on the right
  2. When people feel threatened by the competition, they try to silence the competition in any way they can. The "cheating" scandal was an excuse to ban you. I think we all know the real reason you were banned. Javier, the CRJ will be the standard developers should rise to. You deserve the best out of it and I sincerely wish you great success with it. I just read the thread on .org. It´s not that hard. somebody want´s to get more information before buying the aircraft. that´s his right, but in this case i´d just wait and see what happens. About 2d and 3d pits - i don´t see really why you can´t use a 3d pit online, i often do. But anyway i believe in the crj. it just may take a little while to get the first bugs out.
  3. "461 Mb"...Ooops, i think that´s ten times more than the biggest folders i have in my aircraft directory. what else than an aircraft did you put inside?
  4. I still can´t wait ;D
  5. Morning. I was sleeping deep and well, but in between i´ve heard somebody cryin. It came from spain. Five minutes before 0.00 pm EST. somebody noticed that the crj has two Engines ;D ... Ok, i´ll stop stupid Joking, Just take your time guys and don´t forget to sleep in between
  6. If it´s too hard to wait take a little time, take coffee and enjoy this in between: http://www.deltava.org/library/CRJ-200%20Manual.pdf ;D
  7. Hola Philipp, gratuliere zum neuen Auftrag, eine echte Überraschung. Nach VasFMC nun also der nächste große Schritt, bin schon jetzt gespannt was dabei entsteht. Falls ihr irgendeine kostenlose Testumgebung braucht stelle ich mein Setup gerne zur verfügung (Win/Mac) Gruß, ein alter Kollege (nenn mich mc96 ;D) Thanks to japo and his team for keeping that project alive.
  8. Thanks for these Words, that´s fair and honest. Your last postings were very helpful for understanding the problems behind the development, so all the best for your Project. Let´s give it a chance in 2011! PS: maybe sometimes people find critical words cause they are interested in the things, just trying to be helpful. that´s not only complaining. i think japo is able to see the difference;)
  9. ok thats fine then. but i can understand that its not satisfying to talk about potatoes only. maybe you should give us a chance to eat them in future ^^
  10. After reading in this thread since a few months my 5 cents. I think it doesn´t have to be that perfect in the beginning. Just put a unfinished beta on the net in the next weeks and i´m sure a lot of people will help you with feedback. x-plane community is waiting for projects like this since centuries
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