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Everything posted by Sigmar

  1. Hi everyone, thanks for your replies so far, but having to mess with registry files as an end-user to make payware (!) run under a normal system environment is not what I have been used to so far, and neither will I in the future. Hence I shall follow Lufthansa's example who just retired their last 737 classics. All good wishes Sigmar
  2. Which is exactly what I did ... and it did not solve the issue, which is what this topic should be all about. I am just a dumb lawyer and end-user, not trying to outsmart the software engineers out there. Remember: THEY are paid for this, not I. Sigmar
  3. Dear Jan, WILCO, checked. Exceptions in Defender (temporarily disabled anyhow) and Kaspersky for the whole X-Plane directory are effective. Just deleted and re-installed IXEG 737; no change in behaviour. Just tried to programme a flight LOWG (Graz) to EDDT (Berlin-Tegel; Air Berlin does this one in real life, though with a Dash 8...). While programming the route, next airway (e.g. UZ33 from LNZ) is accepted quickly when pressing the appropriate LSK (left-hand column), while next waypoint (e.g. ADLET) takes several seconds to appear when pressing the appropriate LSK (right-hand column). The closer to EDDT, the longer the delay. Once the tanks are full and the PERF page is open, things get real bad: ZFW takes 10 seconds to appear in the appropriate box, so does CI and so on. I enclose the FMC debug file which was created when I quit at that point. Edit: And just to clarify, the system configuration concerning defender and Kaspersky is the same as it was before. IXEG 737 was working fine up to and including versions 1.0.7. (737) and 10.50 (XPlane). Problems appeared only after update to 10.51 (XPlane). Best Sigmar IXEG_FMS_debug.txt
  4. CPU is Intel Core i7-6700K, and yes, IXEG is the only plane showing that issue. 757/767/777 professional work as smoothly as they did before. Just completed a test flight EDDK to LOWG with 757 prof (DHL freighter, RR engines) under XPlane 10.51 without any problems with the FMC. Thanks & happy landings Sigmar
  5. Thanks, podster, but I have disabled defender, and I do not think that IXEG implemented anything like that, since the problem appeared not after an IXEG update but only after the latest XPlane update... and by the way, the 757/767 FMCs are pretty old as well ... about the generation of texas instruments calculators I used at high school when I was 18, and now I'm 53 :-) Sigmar
  6. Hi, fellow 737 captains and developers, since updating XPlane to version 10.51 I have noticed an unusual behaviour of the 737 FMC. Delays in reacting to inputs (RTE page, especially PERF page) increase almost with every input while on ground, e.g. I enter cost index or reserve fuel into the scratch pad --> figures appear immediately. Next I press the appropriate LSK --> *several* seconds expire until the value previously entered into the scratchpad appears in the proper box. EXECuting takes about half of a second. Next entry is delayed even longer, and so on ... to the point that entering a new transition level and/or wind aloft in the DES FORECAST page almost causes the sim to freeze. This issue arises witht the IXEG 737 only, not with the 757/767/777 professionals, so it must be plane-specific. I have not seen any report addressing this particular issue ... any ideas anybody? Until further notice my 737 will remain grounded. Sigmar (LOWL/LNZ)
  7. Jan and Jon, I too experienced a couple of crashes like the one described above and -- erroneously, it would seem -- suspected database inconsistencies to cause those. Yesterday I performed a flight from Linz (LOWL, my home base in real life) to Kefalonia (LGKF). Wary about inconsistencies between the 737 database (still AIRAC 1509 in my 737) and X-Plane (AIRAC 1603 on my system) I proceeded from Brindisi VOR direct to Kefalonia VOR, selected a VOR approach on RWY 32 *without selecting a STAR*, then shortened the "approach" on the LEGS page by making the actual RWY waypoint the next one after KFN VOR, and was able to perform the VOR approach and landing, using HDG select to track the appropriate VOR radials and V/S for descent, and finally hand-flying and landing the 737, without any issues. Happy landings Sigmar
  8. Hi, fellow simmers, just added the IXEG 737 to my inventory of Boeings at X-Plane, and after the inaugural flight from Munich to Thessaloniki I am impressed... well done. For those of you who want to fly "realistic": Jet2 just started a Vienna-Edinburgh route. G-CELK operated the maiden flight, and it features the "steam" engine gauges. For photos of the inaugural flight at Vienna Airport go to https://www.austrianwings.info/2014/05/fotostrecke-jet2-erstlandung-am-flughafen-wien/ (the text is in German, but the images are very nice indeed). Regards from Linz (LNZ/LOWW, Blue Danube Airport) & happy landings Sigmar
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