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Everything posted by Mikealpha

  1. sorry, completely missed that question. I'm also using a Brunner CLS Yoke. I'm very happy with it, it's reliable and the software is very flexible. FInally it really feels like trimming an aircraft as it should be. Back to the original problem. Any chance for anyone to check the attached scripts in my initial post ? They are for the EADT 737. If only I would understand how to transfer that to the IXEG 737. If I would understand it for one MCP switch or knob, I could probably do it for the others as well. Mike
  2. Hi, I'm an XPlane newbie and really like the IXEDG 737 so far. Unfortunately my programming knowledge is extremely limited, tried to understand the various hardware threads with not much success. Would these two work with the IXEG, or would be possible to get them to work ? 1. Throttletek http://www.throttletek.com/g-737v2.html incl. TOGA switches, reversers, parking brake, engine start levers, ... 2. Opencockpits 737 MCP http://www.opencockpits.com/catalog/http://www.opencockpits.com/catalog/mcp-737ng-v3h-p-486.html?language=en There are scripts and drivers for Xplane 10, but I don't know if there are sufficient : http://www.opencockpits.com/uploads/Software-drivers/Drivers%20X-plane%20MCP%20EFIS%20NAV.zip Any advice would be much appreciated : Mike By the way, the IXEG 737 is a blast to fly with a force feedback Yoke
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