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Everything posted by kap1121

  1. Tried taking out one video card. that didn't help. Rolled back to v3.0. it works fine. 3.1 works too. something from then on is causing my system to act up.
  2. Ok, I'm not new at this. Normally just a silent browser. The problem is not my hardware, I can promise you that. I have never gotten a BSOD, and my configuration is solid as a rock. The one thing I DO have is an SLI setup, but I have it disabled. This 3.1.2 build is the one giving me problems. The plugin itself runs fine when using it in game, the problem comes up when exiting XPL. It's as simple as that. I have had absolutely no problem with any other plugins in XPL, or any other game for that matter. THIS plugin is giving issues. I can not understand how my hardware in particular is causing this. I suspect that it may have something to do with having 2 GPU's, if it is hardware related at all. But, i'm sure that there are many others that have their system Overclocked with a 2 GPU setup. I can't be alone in that regard. As far as my system is concerned, I have a: i7-4790k @ 4.8 max temp is 70* GTX 980 Ti x2 (one disabled) 24 GB RAM
  3. LOL....I've had no problems with other games, including P3D. My overclock, and system is stable. With this particular plugin, XPL will not close properly.
  4. Hello, I tried reinstaling the C++ stuff, but still the same problem. My overclock has been stable for 7+ months. I'm sorry, but I'm not going to reinstall XPL for one plugin. The problem started happening around 3.1.2. I also bought RWC around that time, but uninstalled it to rule it out. It's definately SMP, which is a shame because I like it a lot. Hopefully in the next update it will be resolved. I would try to install 3.1 clean and 3.1.1 clean again to see if it is this past update in particular, but it's all been a blur of updates.
  5. This one is with everything disabled, including Custom Scenery. The only thing in the Plugin folder is SMP. Still getting the same issue. I don't know why there's a license check fail....It could be because I pulled out all the other plugins and only left "Silver Lining". Log.txt
  6. Hello, SMP is causing X Plane to not exit correctly. I have narrowed it down to SMP in particular. With SMP uninstalled, all works as it should on exit. When exiting XPL with SMP installed, the sim hangs and I have to "End Now" to completely exit. I've tried disabling custom scenery; I've tried uninstalling all other plugins; it ONLY happens with SMP installed. Thanks
  7. Hi, i may may have missed something, but when entering perf data, I am only able to populate the GW column. Are we not required to populate the ZFW and the aircraft calculates the GW? It's also weird that whatever GW I do put in, changes to another value. This becomes problematic when setting ref speeds for takeoff as well as landing. When entering plan fuel, I get a gizmo error page pop up. And can not start the engines. Lastly, is there an INTC CRS (intercept course) function? So I can activate vectors to final? Does the FMC also auto sequence waypoints? If I get vectored in for an ils one fix prior to the planned fix, will it auto sequence the following fix? thanks, Andrew
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