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Posts posted by Flap_

  1. Zebra seats for your TBM-900

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    Install instructions:

    1. Unzip the Seats.zip
    2. Place the Seats.png in your preferred livery objects folder. "X-plane 11/Aircraft/X-Aviation/TBM-900/liveries/Livery of your choice/objects/"

    That's it! Enjoy ^_^


  2. Hey @skiselkov 

    Right now I have trouble using the CSL in X-Ivap because its not centered. I can change the vertical offset, but there is no longitude/latitude offset available in X-Ivap (IVAO) as far as I'm aware. So is it possible to export the TBM CSL again? But with the plane centered on the grid. By centered I mean like in the provided screenshot. 



    One more thing I forgot to mention. The grid surface inside blender also translates to surface/ground inside X-plane. At least for IVAO. So when putting the wheels on top of the grid, doesn't require a vertical offset inside the xsb_aircraft.txt. If you need testing of the CSL for IVAO let me know. Glad to help :)


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