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Everything posted by speedbird

  1. yes, got that off. thank you.
  2. thanks a ton for the nvidia inspector tip. i ended up setting vsync to half the refresh rate. i can feel that xplane is a lot smoother now.
  3. Thanks a lot. Will try this evening and let you know. Yes I do have nvidia and 60hz.
  4. Wow, many thanks for your help and the offer to provide your profile. It would be of great help for me to have it . Is it possible for you to attach the file here? Once again, thanks a lot for your help!
  5. How does one lock the fps? Thanks in advance.
  6. Agreed, no standby tuners but not a major issue. Manual VoR to VoR is probably not the expected way to fly this plane :-) Thanks all.
  7. thanks Sanjiv. i should look at the tutorials before asking questions here :). Actually, i seem to be getting better at using the autopilot VOR/LOC. it seems that i need to get it close to the intercept and then the autopilot does its job.
  8. Thanks Nigel, 737Nut. I tuned NAV1, selected a course on the MCP, engaged the auto pilot hit the VoR LOC button but the plane didn't budge in any direction. The VOR was being picked up as I could see the HSI needles. I will retry using a different location or something, I'm pretty sure it's a user error Regards
  9. Firstly, many congratulations to the ixeg team. My current impression is that this is the best plane I own on x plane. I'm relatively new to this so apologies for the noddy question, but is it possible to tune the auto pilot VoR to VoR just as one would on the 732, i.e. without touching the FMC? I wanted to fly a few routes, but haven't quite learned the FMC yet. Many thanks for your help in advance and thumbs up to the developers & testers. Regards
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