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Daniel Blackmore

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Everything posted by Daniel Blackmore

  1. @Cameron I just purchased the CRJ-200 from X-Aviation and am getting the same problem with the installer. Generally very satisfied with your business and think you do a fine job. My only comment here is to ask why you are accepting sales knowing that the products can't be used and with no communications or warning of the known issues with Sierra? I understand and appreciate the hard work that has to go into reworking compatibility for products purchased through the business PRIOR to the public release of Sierra (@Ben Russell is doing a great job with Gizmo and communicating extremely well in the forums/social media and asking for patience is fair and reasonable) but X-Aviation shouldn't be accepting money from customers knowing that they won't be able to use the products. That's not really fair or ethical. You should really shut that channel down until you have a working solution or at least provide a warning step in the purchase process. How far away are you from a solution? Are you going to offer refunds until you have solved the issues?
  2. Meridiana please.
  3. I signed up to this forum, having watched carefully and waited patiently in the shadows to say congratulations and I look forward to flying this amazing addition to the X-Plane platform. Wishing you the success you all deserve.
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