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Everything posted by JeffLeh

  1. Hey John, Spent many hours and surprised this issue has not come up yet but, after many removal of plugins after installing 11.20 and using a VR headset, MaxxFX is the only plugin causing an issue all by its self with showing VR working but has a black screen while in VR mode. I dont have a log.txt to send because you can hear all x plane sounds but it will show a black screen in VR mode. No other stand alone plugins cause this issue. I am also not using or have flyinside installed. Using just stock 11.20r1 x plane.
  2. You redeemed yourself. I figured it out before you wrote me. On a side note...I am liking your new positive attitude towards your customers when they are unhappy and your unlimited downloads after we purchase products from you.. You used to fight back... the new you is good. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
  3. $74.95 and 9 months of waiting for an update and working fine in XP11 and after 4 emails and failed attempts @Cameron to give us an IXEG update... This is what we get... REALLY????? Come on!!!!.....
  4. And I was using the latest SMP4.1 as of yesterday morning when that all happened. In the past you had stated that NOAA was down and causing the issue so maybe thats all it was yesterday morning. Either way, all is fine now.
  5. John, I am running SMP4.1. That's weird because when I tried 7x's Skymaxx was the last thing showing reading METARS and crashed all 7x's. Did not say Skymaxx crashed the sim but in the past you told me to remove metars and restart and that did the trick. I have since re-downloaded SMP4.1 this morning and all is fine.
  6. Here ya go! Hope it helps. MAXX_METAR.rwx METAR.rwx
  7. NP. I will send it tonight or in the morning.
  8. John, I am at work but I believe I sent them to my desk top the last time I tried resetting x plane. If you want them I can send them to you when I get home later. Let me know.
  9. John. The issue is happening again and I deleted the files as you discussed and x plane wont start up at all. (7x's in a row) and I had to remove Skymaxx to make it work. Is there a NOAA issue again this morning? Just wanted to let you know whats going on.
  10. @diamonddriller get SMP4... It will fix all if your problems. SMP4 is unbelievable. Worth the upgrade.
  11. That did the trick! Thank you!
  12. Ok great. Any idea about why I am crashing when I switch RWC from X plane data to "Always"? That issue still seems to be happening. I have a Log file of the crash when I am clicking to "Always" RWC crash trying to set to always Log.txt
  13. Ok I understand but I never had this issue before and now I cannot even set my RWC settings to "Always" which I like because I use NOAA. Any work-arounds with this?
  14. John, I reloaded RWC and Skymaxx 4 and now when I try to switch RWC to "Always", I immediately get a crash. Happened 4 x's in a row. This is a new issue that I never had before. Any suggestions?
  15. I had to remove Skymaxx4 because XP11 will not boot up now without crashing due to SMP4 Skymaxx Log 3.txt
  16. Went to restart XP11 and it crashed on start-up showing SMP4 was the issue. Skymaxx Log 2.txt
  17. Hey John, I have attached a log file for a crash that occurred in SMP4 running XP11. Let me know if it will help. Skymaxx4 Log.txt
  18. I don't know if this a bug with SMP4 or XP11 but contrails are under the clouds when flying. See video. Other than that, great product again! VID_20161218_210755.mp4
  19. Will RWC be ready at midnight also with the update needed for SMP4?
  20. @Cameron As we have disagreed many times in the past, I truly respect your answer to my question and how you have responded to it. I do agree with you, SMP is a great product and I like it for many reasons like the puffy clouds and I also know how hard it is to make everyone happy when putting out a product. I know SMP will be working hard to make it better and it "will be" the best it can be with more updates and design in the future. I also, look forward to purchasing SMP tomorrow.
  21. As I as many want to know and see is....when we fly through the clouds, will we see IFR as we do in the real world and as we see in XP11 stock clouds?? Why do we only see the clouds from the outside of the plane? We fly in real life and on here from the cockpit of a plane and SMP previous versions have always disappointed pilots for the "unrealness" of flying "through" clouds depicting REAL life IFR. Can you post a video from a cockpit view so we can due our own due-diligence if we feel SMP4 is worth it or not??
  22. @Defiance_co...I have had the issue twice...and only twice crashing due to memory issues. I have not updated to 395 NVIDA yet but will later tonight. See below about a memory issue that has come up so there is a known issue in this beta. http://www.x-plane.com/kb/
  23. OK thanks! I see some planes don't work but all scenery seems to. Just worried if plug in are working.
  24. @lanmancz
  25. Does anyone know if flywithlua is working and the NOAA plug in?
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