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Everything posted by tristar

  1. Sorry Admin , I wont use that word again on here.. and i dont play x-box, I fly planes for a living.. cheers
  2. 1= Pay rent and support? 2= some just need money to compensate for their time? well " GET A JOB! unless you can produce something worth my credit card number.." thats the bottom line, offcourse we are all free to make our own descisions and have the freedom to try to make money anyway we wan. but that to me is still a sucker move, developing less than freeware quality at times for $10.00 cause there isnt much option yet in xplane. I cant believe that flight simulation has come to this point, where time is so prescios even as a hobby that we have to pay for any junk that is produced...its called being taken advantaged of thats all it is... in the case of lis saying the pictures on the developers website are tiny , what do you call that then?? that means that the developer knows its crap, and is just trying to to sucker people in to rip them off on a sh*** product and easy $$$$... thats called rape..
  4. All im saying is years and years and years , before there was any quality addon worth buying for flight simulater 95/98 , all aircraft that were designed or most were free cause it was a fun hobby and they knew back then that it would not be worth charging for something with 5 switches on it that looked like a flying cube. tell me something else, why is there a few free downloads on xplane.org that are better than ALOT of paware ones?? why such there be a charge for a model with out a panel???? who the hell flies from spot view, dude those days are gonne like 15 years ago.. seems to me that some of you are just trying real hard to take advantage of the situation that exists with xplane not having many QUALITY aircraft available, but i see that the time is near were all that bogus will end as more and more amazing addons start to leave the hangars, and less and less people will be forced to fly junk with wings... sorry just my 2 cents
  5. well this could get long, but i will try to shorten it as most as possible.. I have just recently grew an interest for xplane, after 14 years in the flight sim community a few developers here have got my full attention, and have made me realise that xplane is probably more capable than flightsim when it comes high quality addons. The first impression i ever got when i was thinking of switching over from FS to Xplane was horrible!!! I researched around the xplane community and found out that it is a much titer and better group than that in the FS world\ the only downside though was the aircraft. Except for the default xplane 9 aircraft (C-172-Piaggio) the other payware aircraft were extremely horrible, and I cant believe that these guys would charge money for such crap. sorry for using these words ,but common there are aircraft for sale that don't have any panels or only 2D panels, the ones that do posses 3d panels most of them look like a grade 3 kid designed them... Its very simple , don't give up your day job if you lack in quality design and want to make money on your junk, wait until you can produce something that deserves some income, look around at other developers work including flight sim aircraft. If you cant match the industry standards in quality wait until you can.. As for the xplane developers that ARE producing quality please keep it up , cause your stuff looks like it will surpass the best of FSX's payware aircraft.. quality xplane SAAB 340 Leading Edge Simulations ;D ;D ;D - upcoming MU 2 2 X-SCENERY : ;D ;D done DASH 8Q400 www.flyjsim.com ;D ;D upcoming MALIBU meridian sorry forgot whos doing it!!!! ;D ;D upcoming 737-300 IXEG - International ;D ;D ;D upcoming KING AIR 90 Xplane10 default ;D ;D upcoming CRJ-200 xplane 10 default "JRollon" ;D ;D ;D I think done but not released.. VARIOUS JGX-Designs ;D ;D done remember the smilies are just for the model of aircraft that i preffer not the quality they all seem pretty close in that so far in that department...GOOD JOB GUYS .... Now I appologize for any other high qualidy addons im forgetting or just dont know about yet...
  6. tristar

    Project 3

    Thanx for the quick reply, and remeber im not being nice by saying amazing , im being honest..lol I have been envolved with the the Flight sim community for over 14 years, well before I became a proffesional pilot. It all started with pro-pilot 97 and ended with FSX , to tell you im kind of tired with microsoft flight sim, im just now getting into xplane and your project and a few upcoming ones (CRJ/737-300/dash 400/have REALLY caught my attention and lured me to xplane cause I think xplane has been lacking high quality aircraft till now. Another thing i would like to mention is, for some reason Developers like to follow each others projects, this is very noticable in the FS community, if a dev starts making a 737-ng there will 100% be another couple that will announce there NG project. Another thing is bigger of the model problem, and what that means is if someone would start developing a douglas series aircraft it would most likely be the bigger of the models .. ex; dc-9 = Md 80 (dc-9 gets let down) Boeing 767 = 300 ( 200 model gets let down ) ATR 42 = 72 ( the 42 gets let down ) anyways just my opinion , Im just happy that you chose the 340 versus the saab 2000 , and same goes for the others guys developing the 737-300... :)Thanx for the great work and please keep it up...
  7. tristar

    Project 3

    WOW!! this is just amazing guys , its one of the best addons i have ever seen, and being a saab 340 is just a bonus... just one question guys , will there be some sort of window textures or tint in the VC?? I love this! great work just great...
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