Thanx for the quick reply, and remeber im not being nice by saying amazing , im being I have been envolved with the the Flight sim community for over 14 years, well before I became a proffesional pilot. It all started with pro-pilot 97 and ended with FSX , to tell you im kind of tired with microsoft flight sim, im just now getting into xplane and your project and a few upcoming ones (CRJ/737-300/dash 400/have REALLY caught my attention and lured me to xplane cause I think xplane has been lacking high quality aircraft till now. Another thing i would like to mention is, for some reason Developers like to follow each others projects, this is very noticable in the FS community, if a dev starts making a 737-ng there will 100% be another couple that will announce there NG project. Another thing is bigger of the model problem, and what that means is if someone would start developing a douglas series aircraft it would most likely be the bigger of the models .. ex; dc-9 = Md 80 (dc-9 gets let down) Boeing 767 = 300 ( 200 model gets let down ) ATR 42 = 72 ( the 42 gets let down ) anyways just my opinion , Im just happy that you chose the 340 versus the saab 2000 , and same goes for the others guys developing the 737-300... :)Thanx for the great work and please keep it up...