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  1. So sorry guys, looks like the problem isn't fixed after all and could be related to precipitation/rain clouds. i managed to reproduced the problem by selecting 'Set weather uniformly' and ramping up the Precipitation,Storms & Turbine. Here's another screenshot & my log.txt Log.txt
  2. Updated to RWC 1.1 & installed the latest Nvidia driver. SMP4 looks phenomenal now Thank you guys!
  3. Hi all, i'm also facing the same issue. Here are my screenshots & log.txt The blocky clouds appeared just after take off from KJFK while it was raining. Log.txt
  4. Thank you guys and thank you Litjan.
  5. That's exactly what's happening at my end. Realtek ALC1150. Asrock Z96 extreme 6 motherboard.
  6. Dear guys, on the ground with the cockpit windows open, I noticed that wind noise tends to suddenly cutoff repeatedly while panning around the cockpit. The 'sound bug' is non existent with the windows shut. I have all removed all plugins except Gizmo but no dice. Can some kindly confirm if this is normal?
  7. Setting CRS solved the problem. Thanks guys!!
  8. Oh no I did not set CRS. I assumed the FMC will automatically set it. Will try tonight when I get home from work. Thank you.
  9. Hi All, I tried performing an ILS landing on Singapore WSSS 2L (ILS 110.90), but as soon as hit the APP button, the aircraft just turns around like it was blind to the ILS frequency (110.90 was set in the FMC and i had also manually tuned 110.90 on the NAV dial). I did notice that VOR LOC was activated on the EFIS prior to the turn around. I haven't encountered this problem with the JAR A320 & A330. Hope you guys can provide some insight. Thank you.
  10. Hello Cameron. Duly done. Thank you
  11. Hi guys, i have a huge problem. I purchased SoundMaxx & downloaded it with Internet download manager. Everything was fine until a had to pause halfway. When i resumed the download, internet download manager was not able to resume the download due to expired link & to my horror i had 0 downloads remaining (unlike Skymaxx's 3). Did i just burn $19.95? What should i do? rgds, Earl Chester
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