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  1. I am having the same problem on win10. the entire X-plane folder is excluded in windows defender. I have no other anti-virus running. It’s showing activated in the X-Aviation license window. It’s working on my Mac I will post my logs tomorrow can you please share the discord link too? thanks
  2. 124thATC was the culprit. Thanks
  3. I move old versions out of the X-plane folder BEFORE installing a new version. I rename the new version for my reference.
  4. Will remove 124thATC and try tomorrow. Thanks
  5. All my X-Aviation aircraft are named in this manner, and I have had no issues for the last several years with any aircraft.
  6. My licence is activated. I am on a very fast Ethernet connection. My x-aviation licence is updated. All X-Aviation aircraft are working incl the earlier versions of SR 22 this is indeed strange
  7. Please find log.txt attached Log.txt
  8. Hi Ben Gizmo is installed and activated. I don’t use X-organiser. Other X-Aviation aircraft, and previous SR 22 versions are working fine. Will send log.txt in a while. Thanks
  9. Hi On loading the SR22_G1000_1.3.0 I get this screen The SR22 Entegra 1.1.0 does not power up. Thanks
  10. Good Morning I am unable to install this version. Keep getting error Error while reading ZIP file Gizmo64.zip Any suggestions? Thanks
  11. Thank you for the fix in the update! Great team!
  12. Great news!
  13. Thanks! Outstanding support! You are the BEST developers in this community! Just for info, I am still on Monterey 12.0 regards
  14. Hi Goran I did a screen share with Toto last evening. He found some strange systems behaviour, and said would investigate further. Thank you both for outstanding support! regards
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