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  1. I have default firewall in windows 10, but i do not think this is the reason, because i have this error not any time. If i have error, and wait while metar data is change, there no more error. I think it is appear only when there is specific metar data which brings the error...
  2. Good day. Is there any information from Ben about problem that I described before? Today I have the same error again. It is like the one that I described in first post. When I loaded X-Plane there was a gismo message error. metar.rwx and gismolog.txt attached. Please solve the problem with gismo error if it possible. Thanks. GizmoLog.txt METAR.rwx
  3. Thanks, will wait information from Ben.
  4. And interesting picture )) strange dark cloud layer above FL350 ) never seen this before )
  5. Hi everyone. Very like skymaxx, but today have a problem. Do not sure what was the reason, skymaxx or rwc. When I load X-Plane I have a gismo error. How I can understand it is something wrong while metar data updating from NOAA source. Attaching screenshot, gismoLog and metar.rwx. Hope this will help to solve the problem. Use X-plane 10.50, skymaxx 3.3.2 and last version rwc. Thanks. METAR.rwx GizmoLog.txt
  6. In my case change any options in smp cofiguration menu on any value in any way higher or lower and apply this change solve the problem on some time and fps increase to normal. It is like reseting some buffer or something like that...
  7. Noticed a bug in following of the line of a route. I think that the autopilot seeks to turn the plane to the closest point of a route even if this point isn't the next first following point. For example when approaching to UUEE via UM24B after AD we should go 041 heading to next point and then turn right to OTNAS and only then approach to glide path. And the route on EHSI is right and correspond route on chart (only one thing - turn to OTNAS too sharp), but after passing AD plane turn directly to glide path and do not follow the route line on EHSI. VOR and APPR modes is off LNAV on, so plane should follow the route in this situation. 733 ver 1.0.7 navdata navigraph 1607 ver2 IXEG_FMS_debug.txt GizmoLog.txt
  8. In my case i did not pause X plane before replay.
  9. I assign one button on joystik to landing gear retract and other button to landing gear extend command. This can be a reason, did i right understend?
  10. Have no this sound with any others planes
  11. No, i do not save replay, i play it right after landing.
  12. I install X-Plane (newly) and install only sceneries and 733. Not any plugins installed. When I start replay the sound appear again. But it not always hear. When the aircraft on the earth everything is ok, but when in the sky (and I think higher then some height) it is appear. After landing I set flaps up, retract speed brake, turn off weather radar, turn off lights, transponder stby and set parking brake. Engines running, apu not started. Then start replay. I record it and attached it. I attached log file too. If I can give more information to solve this issue just write how i can help. Sorry for my english I hope I have written clear. Thanks. Sound 1.mp3 Log.txt
  13. I will try to record the sound and try to check it without any plugins installed.
  14. I have problem with sound during replay. It is in all version of IXEG 737. My platform is Win 10 X-plane 10.45 and sound card chip Sound Blaster Z. The problem is jitter that appear when i activating replay mode.
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