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Everything posted by vh

  1. For the post, it's not the blur that's an issue for me, it's the combined width of the black post and the blur. Lightening the post itself or adding a highlight would improve the look imho.
  2. Okay, thanks for the advice. Kindly bear in mind that those who tend to get X-Plane betas early keep more than one X-Plane installation for obvious reasons: the last stable big-decimal version and a rolling double, the earlier of which gets replaced on the next beta if the latter one isn't a dog. When X-Plane 10 is out the pace of change and beta fixes is bound to be feverish. You might see multiple installs as this can't be hand-dragged to other versions. (And by the way, everything is also backed up to another drive.)
  3. I'm not too happy about the files added to the top level of my X-Plane folder: folders "JRollonPlanes," "Uninstall CRJ-200" and probably "imageformats." Seems to me that some of these folders are better installed in either the aircraft's folder itself or in Resources or Output. Since I keep a rolling number of X-Plane installations (currently the CRJ resides in 9.62 but I also fly 9.61rc2 and 9.69), how easy is it to move the CRJ from one version to another? I normally move the scenery and aircraft folders in and out of the three versions I keep when I want to switch but it seems this aircraft adds a complication to that method. Congrats to Javier on the release of this baby. I launched it immediately and did a pattern in weather without reading the manual or fiddling with any knobs - and completed it successfully - although I had some minor problems trying to manipulate both throttles (I could only get one or the other to move). It'll be a long time before I wring the neck out of this aircraft's systems but I'm gratified that the installation, activation and launch worked flawlessly. First impressions were good although I found the black post unattractive and the normal maps and wing-flex a bit exaggerated. Nevertheless, it's a work of art. I hope there's an option to disable 2D view too.
  4. Well that explains it. Extracted the libcurl.framework to /Library/Frameworks. No joy. I do not understand the folder structure's logic - the A and the aliases; there is no ReadMe in the package.
  5. I had no Gizmo.plugin package. Tried putting the script in a scripts subfolder of the aircraft's folder then in the aircraft's folder itself, with the plugin in resources/plugins. An extra triangle widget BELOW the pulldown menu of XP's Plugins menu. appears The widget is below the last plugin (XHSI) under the menu background (i.e. in the sky area below) with no word to its left. Mac OS 10.6.2 / XP 9.50rc3.
  6. vh

    Status of Project?

    I understand the 256 are not for concurrent usage. Positional sound could be a world of hurt for everyone, including the modeler at this stage. There was a posting with an attachment that had some lua code in the org that I clicked some time ago; I think it was related to the slava plugin? Anyway, I inspected it and found it very readable - unlike all the crap I had to wade through when I was playing around with XCode, so I have high hopes for it. I'd still have to cram through the documentation though. I'm still disappointed that you didn't go for a generic gauge for the moving map. I have a multifunction screen in my panel currently set to an image checklist, fms screen (split from the fms keyboard), a camera I've yet to implement and a *blank* screen - that last one being intentional
  7. vh

    Status of Project?

    256 sounds like overkill for most people except maybe Dataroots. It's a plugin - one should be able to use any dataref to trigger a set of sounds, including inadvertent personal sounds at 2.56-G's. In space, no one can hear you.... As for directional sound, too few have the setup to take advantage of it but I'd expect them to make a lot of noise.
  8. vh

    Status of Project?

    Well that's good to know. My perception was that it was all but dead, comments about it being 'at the chiro's' notwithstanding. Disappointed --> relief.
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